Loosid Sober Tip of the Day April 7

Creating and maintaining an attitude of gratitude.

One of the most powerful tools we learn in a spiritual program of recovery is gratitude.

It is also something that, at first, is very hard to see, as many of us tend to gravitate to the negative and get stuck in self-pity.

Creating a context switch to think what we are grateful for takes us out of self-pity and shifts our thinking into the amazing opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead.

If you have connected with a sober network, you will often find that many of them send out gratitude lists each and every day.

It is a way of giving hope to ourselves as well as to others.

If you are not part of a gratitude group, connect with members below and write down what you are grateful for.

At Loosid, here is what we are grateful for today:

We are grateful to have a platform of likeminded others who share a common bond and help one another on a daily basis.

We are grateful that you read the daily sober tips to better yourself each and every day.

If you are new or just exploring the benefits of sobriety, we are grateful for your courage to ask questions and explore new possibilities.

If you have been sober for a while, we are grateful for setting a great power of example for people who are new and need help.

We are also grateful that you continue to practice a spiritual program every day as we cannot live today on yesterday’s sobriety.

Now, your turn…

What are you grateful for?

Share your gratitude list below.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

As a reminder, be sure to connect with others who are posting below and in the feed to grow your sober network. You will never know when you need them, but one thing is for sure… you will need them as we cannot do this alone.

Alone we are powerless, together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I’m grateful to have my parents in my life still. And I’m grateful for my health

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I’m grateful for this app, my program of recovery & people in it, friends and family. My physical health that I take for granted, the sun shining today and 20 days of sobriety 🥹

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  1. Getting up early to prep for the workday.
  2. A good night sleep.
  3. Working out.
  4. Meditation.
  5. Connecting to ancestors and guides.
  6. Daily reflections.
  7. Nightly reflections.
  8. Seeing myself in others.
  9. Holding myself accountable.
  10. Florida water.

I'm so grateful to have my mom in my life! I just found out that she has cancer and she told me not to worry, it's no big deal, she said? Love you Mom, please pray for her!

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I am grateful for my Higher Power, who has gotten me thru some rocky moments.

Gratitude is not something that has always come easily
But once it became a part of my daily life I started to feel like a person again instead of a blob. It’s not a fix-all solution but it has changed my life more than I could ever fully acknowledge.

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I am grateful for my cats and my apartment.

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I'm grateful for a community of like-minded people, my wonderful family, my incredible friends and new opportunities unfolding in perfect timing.

Grateful for 116 days sober ,


I am grateful to be sober, to have an amazing family and support system, and being able to feel happy again

  1. I am SO GRATEFUL for God Almighty who pulled me out of the torture of addiction and from whom all blessings flow :raised_hands:t3:
    2.I am SO grateful for the program and fellowship of AA :raised_hands:t3:
  2. My husband and son who give me love and support
  3. My fur babies who add extra joy to my life every day
  4. A cozy home that is my safe haven
  5. The love and support of my mom
  6. That I get mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually healthier with each passing day
  7. I am physically independent- able to care for my body and my home
  8. The glimpses of early spring in budding trees and flowers
  9. I’m also grateful for the time I’ve been given to heal and work on my recovery ❤️‍🩹

I’m grateful for my resources I’ve found along the way in my recovery, without them and my coping skills idk where I would be.. so grateful for my mental health doctors as well bc I know I cannot do this alone..

Great full for the support from my parents and sis, my love for god and myself, my dogs, my health my parents health my job and just sobriety

I am grateful for the air I breathe today because if I wasn't clean I may not be here to LITTERLY smell the roses