Loosid Sober Tip of the Day August 26

In order to heal, we have to feel.

In our active addiction, most of us have used substances to numb ourselves so as not to feel anything in our lives that wasn’t going according to OUR plan.

When we enter a spiritual program of recovery, we learn that the only way to recover is to lean into the very same things we were running away from for so long.

No one has ever lived a life according to OUR plan. No matter who you are, life will have joy and sadness. Love and loss. Dark and light.

That’s called life.

When we get sober, much of our spiritual work is on complete acceptance of life on life’s terms and feeling ALL feelings good and ‘bad’.

More importantly, we change our perception of what we used to call ‘bad’.

From our ‘problems’ come our greatest lessons. From our ‘pain’ comes our greatest growth.

Just for today, be willing to accept all that comes, good and bad.

Take solace in the fact that there is a spiritual program to embrace it all.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


So, so true. You have to sit with the feelings in order to get through it. Go THROUGH to get to the other side & not go around it or numb out

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In my experience I've now accepted I don't have to alone when I'm feeling. I can pick up my phone and call my sponsor or utilize my sober circle. Keeping it to myself just sends me right back out starring from square one again. And if one person doesn't answer, don't be discouraged, use the next number. I can't stress this enough. And when all else fails, turn to your Higher Power and hand it all over to him

I have to go through the fire.

From a practical level, the tip is very direct and useful, and yet also sloganish.I would say that it needs to go deeper to catch the intellect of those that struggle with the behavioral affliction to alcohol and drugs. To a newcomer especially, saying that you have to live life on life’s terms can be very confusing and overwhelming. There’s one thing I know for sure, and that’s that I can’t escape the inescapable reality of my life, including my past. Once I truly accepted and embraced that, I developed the PATIENCE necessary to start making incremental changes to my life without alcohol—incremental changes that are adding up exponentially with over 20 months of sobriety. The further I get away from my last drink, the greater my self-realization and gratitude grow with momentum in the opposite direction. Recognizing my patterns both good and bad has offered me the insight to disregard those that don’t serve me and nurture and grow those that do. It’s a work in progress, but I’m way happier with alcohol fading away in the rear view mirror.

“We’re all part of the fire that is burning, and from the ashes we can build another day”

This is very true when I finally turned my will and my LIFE OVER TO GOD! And put in the Work GOD ! Transformed me with the renewing of my mind one day at a time seeking God world instead of my own it’s definitely the catalyst and the deciding factor in my sobriety also in my relationship with Jesus Christ making that bridge so I can get to know God‘s will instead of my own ultimately it’s my choice to do this so I take credit for making the choice other than that I take credit for making a choice to put in the work but ultimately all glory goes to God!