Loosid Sober Tip of the Day August 27


You’re eligible too.

If you have been around recovery for a while, you have most likely heard this acronym before.

The reason why this acronym is so important is because it explains the progression of the disease.

If you are an alcoholic or addict, what you will find is the disease gets worse, never better.

We deceive ourselves into thinking we are in control because:

We have not lost our job… YET

We have not lost our house… YET

We have not lost our children… YET

We have not gone to jail… YET

We have also heard people say:

We only drink, but have never done cocaine…YET

We only do cocaine but have never done crack… YET

We only do crack but have never picked up a needle… YET.

Alcoholism and addiction are diseases of YETS. You’re eligible too. While any of the above alone will eventually kill us, we still spend all of our efforts trying to justify that we are OK because we haven’t reached our YETS.

Just for today, take solace in knowing that there is no need to reach your YETS.

If you feel you have reached your YETS and are reading this, know there is one yet you have not reached YET… and you never have to provided you ask for help and are willing to work a spiritual program of recovery.

Why? Because you deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I would always say I haven't done this yet I haven't done that yet then I would do it and I would say well I haven't done that yet so I would end up doing it

Yet! Anothet word on my list that projects to be a truth yet is a lie of sorts. It pretends to have worse outcome right around the corner as if it is an accolade to you that yet hasn’t happened so we rationalize we are doing better than THAT. The truth is its just a matter of time and not an accolade. Its deceptively a minimization of the fact that it is you WILL if you keep giving in to addiction and not a yet at all.