Loosid Sober Tip of the Day August 29

The challenge and the opportunity.

Yesterday, we discussed how so much of our time is often spent on focusing on our problems.

At the end of yesterday’s tip, we started a worksheet by simply creating two columns on top. PROBLEMS on one side, and SOLUTIONS on the other.

We then replaced ‘problems’ with CHALLENGE and ‘solutions’ with OPPORTUNITY.

The words we write or say, dictates our emotional distress or serenity.

The word PROBLEM, in and of itself puts most of us in a negative mindset. Changing the word to CHALLENGE can create a drastic shift in our attitude.

Just for today, write down the top 5 challenges you have on the left side of the column.

On the right side, write down a few steps that you can take for each one to address that problem.

You will realize that there are multiple opportunities to address each challenge and that the opportunity column (formerly known as the solution column) starts filling up more space.

Now you have started focusing on the solution.

Make sure to give yourself credit for doing this today. Congratulate yourself the same way you would someone else. You deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? What did your list look like? If you didn’t have a chance to make a list yet, tell us your thoughts. Post your comment below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart: