Loosid Sober Tip of the Day August 31

Connecting with others to help throughout our recovery journey is one of the most essential parts of living a fulfilling sober life.

As we continue into the fourth day of expanding our personal growth through life’s challenges and opportunities, take the time today to do a quick review of the progress you have made.

What does your list look like?

You will find that many items on your list contain challenges that include resentment against others that you have not let go.

You may also find the challenge resides in something you did that you need to clean up.

It may also be a fear inside of you that is holding you back.

This is a great time to connect with someone who has gone through the spiritual work.

In 12-Step Groups, this is most often done with your sponsor.

Whether the person you reach out to is in a 12-step program or follows another spiritual path does not matter. The only thing that matters is that you get the help and support to free you from what is blocking you.

Today, take the time to reach out to another sober individual who can help you.

If you are new to recovery and don’t know anyone, post in the comments section below and ask for help. You can also post on the home page in the Loosid community.

You will find that there is always help. The only thing required is to ask.

If you are reading this and have gone through the spiritual work, reach out to others below who need your help. As I’m sure you are aware, the only way we can keep our sobriety is to give back what was so freely given to us.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart: