Loosid Sober Tip of the Day August 4

In unity there is strength.

Whether you are entering recovery for the first time or have been in recovery for a while, it is always important to always keep in mind that, on our own, we are in big trouble.

Alcoholism and addiction are diseases of isolation and it is imperative that you connect with others who are on the same journey.

Why? Because you need to know that you are not alone. There are millions of people who share the same common bond as you.

Though all of our experiences may be different, the feelings of isolation and needing to get of the now remain the same.

Take the time today to connect with others who are on this journey with you. Once you do, you will never be alone again.

In unity there is strength. Alone we are nothing. Together, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Isolation I am finding out is no good at all for me. Connecting with others is very important. Being alone for quiet time and isolation are two different things in my opinion


Alcohol-ism (I sponsored myself) by the grace of god my last sobriety lasted 7 months. Until I thought I was stable and okay to drink for my birthday. Not the case for this alcoholic. It’s not that I can’t do it alone, it’s HARD to do it alone. So I sponsored up. My contacts is full of sober people. I’m not afraid today.


For me it’s not isolation, it’s just normal. I don’t enjoy talking to tons of people. Prefer to have a few close friends and nothing more. Always been this way. I would talk to tons of people more in my active addiction than sober.


I go to at least 2 meetings a week. But I live alone.. and my brother and sister live next door.. I help my sister and that can be an enormous job at times.. I have a house full of cats.. and I stay busy.. very seldom have time for myself.. but I’m clean and sober…by the grace of God..

I feel like dang was this written for me? I isolate from everyone. It’s my m.o. :disappointed:

As an alcoholic, I can be alone with God, my higher power, but when I feel lonely, I have to pick up the phone and call another man in AA. It usually gets me out of my selfish state and makes me feel like things are OK, just for today.

I know I need to be around people with the same goals, doing this by myself leaves me with no accountability. Am an addict, but not a liar or flake. If I tell someone I’m gonna do something I usually do. I wish I treated myself with the same respect as I do others.

Find a good support group. It works.!!