Loosid Sober Tip of the Day December 13

The power of the pause.

Many times, when emotions run high, we are very tempted to act out. We may refrain from the drink or drug but may act out in many other ways.

When you are in these situations, know the power of inaction and the ability to pause.

You may want to send the angry text or email or tell off someone in person or over the phone. Whenever you find yourself in these situations, PAUSE.

Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said now? In 12- Step programs we ask our higher power to direct our thinking as to the next right thought or action.

This ability to restraint of pen and tongue is one of the most powerful tools you have. Use that tool whenever you need. It’s always there.

When you find yourself agitated today, or are not sure what action to take, PAUSE. Ask for guidance and direction. If you don’t have a higher power, call a friend who is in recovery and can identify.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:



Oh this speaks loud to me today!
I didn’t sleep last night as my sponsor called me yesterday before bed and was all agitated with me cause he believes I’m not working on my Amends. So as my default character defect I tossed and turned thinking about what I want to tell him today! It’s this justification thinking I seem to do a lot of when I’m being called out on. Well as for in the moment thinking I was able to restrain from saying anything negative towards him. However it definitely left me sore. Why would someone who says they want to help you come at you negatively? My expectations of how I think my sponsor should be is another character defect that’s playing into this. Also, I want to be understood. Another defect. I’m trying my best to understand what he’s talking about. It’s difficult for me as I don’t agree with him on this topic of both how I should make my Amends and that he can’t help me anymore until I make all of my amends. So I guess I’m being pushed out to the outside edges of AA… I’m going to ask more people who have made amends and who have sponsored others in making amends. I feel that it’s not my journey it’s his journey.

The shitty part is I had a great day yesterday with my son. I told my sponsor about it and instead of being a friend to up lift me he pushed me back down.
To sponsors be an up lifting person to your sponsees. When they have a bad day lift them up. When they have a good day lift them up!
Learn to communicate guidance and demand direction! This is a program of suggestions not must do’s!

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Pause is a great tool!

I will need a replacement pause button. :upside_down_face:. Great tip

I never pause. Big problem

I so need this today and everyday. I need to remember that just because it comes to my mind doesn’t mean it needs to come out of my mouth. When I get really mad or upset I have adopted the 3 day pause rule. I won’t speak to you for three days. That gives me three days to pause, reflect, think, and pray. By the time I talk to you I’m calm enough to really have a conversation. It has worked for me, and now all my friends and family know about my 3 day rule.


I’m sorry that happened.. sometimes it helps me to remember my sponsor is human and imperfect and an addict just like me… levels the playing field… please stay in the middle. The edges aren’t safe this time of year :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

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I really like this. I have a tendency to act before thinking. I will now think before acting. I will try to do the next right thing.

Time to look for new sponsor. The relationship with your sponsor is critical for recovery.

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Thank you Sue you are totally right! Definitely helps

Thank you :pray: It’s definitely a thought.

Good stuff