Loosid Sober Tip of the Day December 15

The world record for sobriety is 24 hours and nobody’s broken it yet.

This short tip contains perhaps the most powerful message we will ever hear in recovery.

Many people come into recovery thinking, ‘how can I live the rest of my life without drinking or drugging?’

The answer is… you don’t have to.

There is absolutely no need to worry about whether we will drink tomorrow, next week, or next year.

Make a commitment to not pick up a drink or drug just for today. That’s all we need. All we ever will need.

How did this tip resonate with you? What is your tip of the day? Share with the community below.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Great point.!

Waking up and thanking god for another day and asking him to hold my hand as I walk through my day and telling my self I need whats good for my body and health if I doesn’t make things grow let it go if everyone had to look at every choice they ever made what would be the best one you ever made mine would be to take the step to grow and I want change for my self I know I can’t fall short to my short comings that’s why They are called shortcomings it can mess up your long term goals temporary feel goods can mess up the long term feel goods 


Just for today; 24 hr reprieve based on r spiritual condition!

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Chances are if we do what we did a minute ago.. we just might make it to that 24 hour period.
Hooray for recovery :grin:


When I put God first the rest of my life follows. I’m very blessed to be alive today. I’m very grateful to have Sobriety in my life. I get to see the world through a new set of eyes! Sober eyes! Changes to my perspective has increased so many opportunities, new friendships, even biblical thoughts and actions towards religious people. I never thought I’d be happy to get up and go to church on Sunday’s! Thank you God through Jesus Christ I walk a free man! Amen :pray:

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I don't know... today is my first day and I'm a professional functioning alcoholic. I'm on my umpteenth time and it always hurts. Physically and mentally. I'm tired of losing relationships and my family worries. I sweat all the time coming off alcohol but your thoughts are good. I appreciate you.

Ok. I feel less stupid thank you