Loosid Sober Tip of the Day February 01

Creating and maintaining an attitude of gratitude.

One of the most powerful tools we learn in a spiritual program of recovery is gratitude.

It is also something that, at first, is very hard to see, as many of us tend to gravitate to the negative and get stuck in self-pity.

Creating a context switch to think what we are grateful for takes us out of self-pity and shifts our thinking into the amazing opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead.

If you have connected with a sober network, you will often find that many of them send out gratitude lists each and every day.

It is a way of giving hope to ourselves as well as to others.

If you are not part of a gratitude group, connect with members below and write down what you are grateful for.

At Loosid, here is what we are grateful for today:

We are grateful to have a platform of likeminded others who share a common bond and help one another on a daily basis.

We are grateful that you read the daily sober tips to better yourself each and every day.

If you are new or just exploring the benefits of sobriety, we are grateful for your courage to ask questions and explore new possibilities.

If you have been sober for a while, we are grateful for setting a great power of example for people who are new and need help.

We are also grateful that you continue to practice a spiritual program every day as we cannot live today on yesterday’s sobriety.

Now, your turn…

What are you grateful for?

Share your gratitude list below.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

As a reminder, be sure to connect with others who are posting below and in the feed to grow your sober network. You will never know when you need them, but one thing is for sure… you will need them as we cannot do this alone.

Alone we are powerless, together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


All true…yes.

Yes! We are not alone. We do recover. Thank you for this :heart:

Thank you for this group and thank you God for my sobriety. I am forever grateful and blessed.

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I'm grateful for 3,800 Days today! January was one of the most difficult months that I've endured in years. Know that it does get better... yet challenges continue come. When it's a good day, embrace it! When it's a bad day, know that another good day is on the way. All of the work we do...One day at a time... gets us through!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.


I am so grateful for this platform! I have a lot of down time and that alone is a dangerous place for an addict like me? I've been sober for 6 months now and I try to find a way to better myself everyday? But sometimes it's hard to find my inspiration? Thank you Loosid and thank you to all of the people that find the courage to put yourself outside your comfort zone in order to help? You have helped me see that I can be a better person

Its wordy but great message i agree ...

I’m apart of a group chat with 11 ladies from my home group that list 5 things we are grateful for sometimes it’s so important to be able to make time for that I can get consumed by the self pity if I dont

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So greatful for another day of life, health, family and friends and my my job :pray:t4: wishing everyone a great day!

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Good stuff :clap:

I’m grateful for this sober app that allows me to connect with other sober individuals online and to be sober :blush:

First I am grateful for my sobriety. Without my sobriety I would not have the following to be grateful for,my health,a warm bed,food to eat a place to live my job and would have lost my family :heart:

I am grateful for my family.