Loosid Sober Tip of the Day February 02

There is a stigma that when you get sober, life, as we know it, will be the end of fun.

This stigma could not be further from the truth. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

When we put down the drink or drug and decide to live life on life’s terms, the world opens up for us.

One of the first things we realize is how much of life was wasted on our time drinking or putting substances in our body. Just a few hours a day for happy hour during the week, turns into 40 extra hours a month of quality time.

That could be taking time to learn a new skill, spending more time with your family, working out, meditating, volunteering to help those in need, the list is endless.

Take a few moments to reflect on how many hours were spent each week on drinking or putting substances in your body. If you are just starting out, get excited, as you are about to enter a world of more time to build incredible experiences.

If you have been sober a while, let us know what you have done since you stopped wasting these precious hours days and years that make up this thing we have called life.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I have 67 days clean and sober :innocent:. I'm 55 years old and have wasted more time then I can count. I was chosen to clean house, trust God and help another alcoholic :pray:t6: PERIOD!


In my sobriety I enjoy AA fellowship, going to the movies with my sponsor, going to SA conventions and events and enjoy the sober community. I also have started school online with a major in bachelor in arts psychology, which is something I would not be able to do if I was wasted time drunk or high. I thank God for my new life style and it's definitely more enjoyable and worth living!

I have been sober for 5 months now, and what I do to help me pass the time I volunteer at our local food drive that helps families that don't have much. I serve community services doing basically the same, but instead of dreeding it, I actually enjoy helping others.

YES, I definitely struggled and still kinda do with what to do with my time now, but I am and always have been someone who works very hard, I enjoy my chill time. That being said I have taken up golf, and got my GED finally, I'm so much closer to God and I have peace. My life is manageable. Each passing day I am more comfortable in my own skin and with my sobriety 10/08/2023

I’m having more fun now than at any other time in my life.

Thanks for this message, it resonates with me today.

I think in the beginning we’re all trying to feel trying to live life on life’s terms day by day we get back what we lost “ or for some a new beginning you might not feel like you are able to live and laugh without any substances I assure you you can and will,love life and laugh find what brings joy trust in yourself heal ,reach out “ not everyday will be a pink cloud as they say but it’s all part of healing living and sometimes learning you will be ok over joyed in some things under joyed in others but in all it’s a blessing have a great day and keep going :blush::pray:t3::sparkles::sparkles:

It feels great to get up without a hangover and feeling junk for doing something bad :nauseated_face: I love my freedom and peace :dove: just knowing I can get things done without feeling bad of not getting things done life's fun :relaxed:

Now that I'm sober I know longer have that desire, I'm more focused on my relationship with God and going to meetings and I just have a whole new perspective on life