Loosid Sober Tip of the Day February 18

Much like we can’t win today’s game on yesterday’s home run, we can’t stay sober today on yesterday’s sobriety.

During our active addiction, so many of us spent every day repeating the same rituals on a daily basis. It became such a ritual that we didn’t even realize the negative effects that were taking place as a result of our actions.

In recovery, we need to incorporate the same daily practice in order to stay emotionally sober.

For many of us, prayer and meditation has been a non-negotiable that we have learned to practice every morning when we arise.

Many of us do the same throughout the day and before we retire at night.

Some other activities that can set our day right are reading from spiritual texts.

For those in a 12-Step program, we may read 12-Step literature each morning.

We may also attend a meeting of likeminded others on a daily basis.

We may also reach out to people within our support network each day.

If you have not incorporated a daily practice into your recovery, there is no time like the present.

If you don’t know how or where to start, know you are not alone. Ask our community below for suggestions.

How did this tip resonate with you? If you already have a daily practice, share with the community below what you do on a daily basis. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


This is a wonderful reminder that I have to recommit to my sobriety daily. Thank you.


I'm really enjoying this app and am so grateful for finding it.


My alcoholism rebbots in my sleep... thank you for this tip


It’s so easy to forget how serious and detrimental our addiction was. Straying away from those daily practices is often a baby step to relapse. Thanks for the reminder!


This was exactly what I needed to hear today. I'm in a emotional state and prayer and meditation can guide me back to the center God and AA has given me.

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On a daily basis when i wake up. I constantly try to direct my mind /thoughts to and on what my creator wants me to do, say and think concerning my life according to his will for all of us as I interact with people, things, and situations both negative/ positive that we encounter daily..

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With 12 days clean and sober and just coming back, I know that I get a daily reprieve contingent on my spiritual maintenance and what I do to stay close to my HP. I automatically want to search for distractions,but that isn't the way for me. I must create new healthy habits that are congruent with anew way of life. #movedifferent

Recommit every day (and as many times needed during the day) to my commitment to sobriety and recovery. Thanking my higher power for granting me the gift of sobriety every morning and night. 24 hours, that’s all we have. Thank you for this reminder :heart:

Great reminder that I have to practice maintaining my sobriety on a daily basis bc everyday is a new day and I have to build upon that bc my alcoholism is always there waiting for me to give up, have a great day everyone! :pray:t3::heartpulse:

I ask from help and guidance every morning and say thank you every evening no matter what. This keeps me humble and hopeful and like I’m not alone.