Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 13

The war is over… if you want it to be.

Millions of us have fought our alcoholism or addiction tooth and nail, refusing to admit defeat. We think THIS time, somehow, and in some way, we will be able to stop.

It works… until it doesn’t.

We try again... We slip… So we try again.

Sometimes we put a week together. Sometimes a month… some of us a year or more until it happens AGAIN.

We swear one final time to God, to our wives, our husbands, our significant others, our mothers, our fathers, our children, our friends, our entire universe that we will never ever ever drink or use again… until we do.

We swear again one more final time… then another final time… then another.

What you need to know is that alcoholism and addiction is undefeated.

The only way to win is to surrender.

This is where so many of us lose the battle because to us, to surrender means to lose and our egos simply will not allow that.

Take solace in the fact that the entire program of recovery teaches us to surrender each and every day to our powerlessness over drugs or substances SO THAT WE WIN.

The war is over… if you want it to be.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


the war is over and i wANt it to be so bad with my whole being

The war is over I have been working my program to the best of my abilities for a very long time now there’s no going backwards I continue to push forward everyday I have struggles at times with finding the help I need we all have traveled different roads but I believe when we come to the road that brings us love understand trust hard work to live a better life that’s when life begins again for some we find that road and continually reach out for that guidance if you are one of the ones in that struggle don’t give up I pray wholeheartedly I have hope today remember” a power greater then ourselves “ have a beautiful day you will find your path :pray:t3::heart::blush:

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Love it.. the war is over. We really gotta see it that way. I was really fighting in a war the whole time. I am sooo happy those days are done. God has been my strength and rock, and continues to be....

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For me I couldn't surrender until I was 53 years old and then finally I woke up one morning and something inside me just clicked and I knew I couldn't do this anymore and finally surrendered. Been clean and sober almost 5 years now and I am living the best that I ever have in my entire life,I was able to forgive myself for my past sins and can look on the mirror and actually love what I see now. I love living life now.