Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 16

My ego is not my amigo.

Throughout our sober journey, we come to learn the destructive nature of our ego.

In 12-Step groups we quite often hear about a program of ego deflation.

Though it can seem weird at first to hear the deflation of ego as a symbol of strength, we have found this to be one of the most important things we learn in our sober journey.

The less ego we have, the more room for humility, and the more humility we have, the greater we aspire to listen, to learn and to grow.

Remember, it’s easy to operate from ego. Humility takes daily practice… but it’s worth it!!!

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Definitely struggle here


This one is difficult but with practice, changes the whole scene. Today I will practice humility by keeping my ego out of things.


Definitely a core goal. Something worth pursuing.


Humility allows me to keep calm If I’m calm solutions appear


Would it be correct to replace the word humility with humble?

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Definitely struggle w/this! Daily! Working the steps, contact w/sponsor help!


Let it go.. it works wonders​:+1::+1:


Tomorrow is a new day my friend. Another chance to choose sobriety. A new beginning. :pray:

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Maybe, but be careful. Humility is realizing we are not the centers of the universe and we don't know more than everyone else. We need to be quiet and listen sometimes, with an open mind. "Humble", on the other hand, can mean simply developing the belief that we are just a piece of garbage. I personally have found that humility has lead to greater wisdom, which has increased my confidence.

I’m still lost on the definition but no worries. I know I’m not a piece of garbage or any where near the center of the universe (no thank you!) But all sounds good. :innocent:

I think the humility is the effect of the action of one being humble.

My Ego played a huge role in who I thought I was. I can honestly say I didn’t even think about ego until sobriety. Now I can see and feel when I’m acting on ego or God’s will. Most of the time when it’s God’s will I’m really calm and collective. Can easily gather my thoughts, compose great sentences without being excited. When Ego shows up I’m blunt, irritated and snap if you don’t agree. :joy: Thank you AA! Thank you Loosid and Big thank you to God for showing me where my character defects are and how I can use them to better my life and those I love!
Another beautiful day! Had a long week of depression/anxiety but today started a new week with good vibes all around!

I have no clue. lol Unless you are telling me that’s what it is, then thank you! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Humility, a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.

Humble, having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.

Looks like they are the same. It’s more of how it’s used in a sentence. Adjective, verb, etc…