Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 17

What does it mean to ‘work’ a program of recovery?

Many people get scared off by the word ‘work’ when we hear this phrase.

Working a program of recovery is very much like anything else in life.

If we are athletes, we know what it is like to go to physical therapy in order to recover from our injury.

When we want a certain career, we need to work to get a degree or a license that will allow us to enter that field, whatever it may be.

Whether it is a truck driver, a nurse, a doctor, an electrician, a lawyer… we need to work to be able to survive and flourish.

In recovery, the only difference is a big one because ‘the work’ is a matter of life and death.

So why are so many of us unwilling to save our own lives?

Since there are no ‘credentials’, ‘licenses’ or ‘degrees’ that are laid out, millions of us do not qualify ourselves as having a problem until it is too late.

Just for today, take solace in the fact that just by reading this, you are in the right place.

Once you know you are in the right place, give yourself the gift today to start your work.

In 12-step programs, the work is clearly defined and is typically gone through with your sponsor. There are many meetings you can go to at any given time.

If you wish to follow other spiritual programs of recovery, ask questions and begin your journey today.

If you have been in recovery a while and work a spiritual program of recovery, share below the work you do to remain (emotionally) sober one day at a time.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I totally understand the lack o motivation to save myself....I just don't trust people....recovery or otherwise...I think that this is the root of the lack of motivation for us all....the need for connection is the one thing that we can't do....


Not many of us had the right kind of direction to learn about well” so many different things today I do things that take work anything worth anything takes hard work unfortunately there can be obstacles in the way at times you do loose hope, in humanity wondering why they teach you to reach out ask for help you might feel as though nobody cares and you might feel alone don’t give up even on the most cloudiest days the sun can shine through you must keep going find strength in yourself and by listening to how others have made it through it’s time to stand up and start a new life full of caring people support you deserve to recover and grow have a blessed day :blush::pray:t3:


Here's the Secret:
Go to meetings with an open mind. Look for the Similarities...not differences.
Stay Teachable.
Be Humble. Get a Sponsor and do 12 Step work....While doing this...Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is Key also.
I'm clean and sober 38 years and have worked in this field a longtime. I want to help as many people as possible so I wrote this book. It will really help you in the journey you are about to embark on. It discusses everything including how to pick the right Sponsor and all the obstacles we put in our own way. It's Humorous and Sarcastic.There's something for everyone. Read the Book Overview and About the Author.
See if it resonates with You.
It's available on Amazon and wherever online books are sold.
Navigating Recovery:
12 Steps Simplified
A No Bullshit Guide To 12 - Step Success And Thriving in Recovery

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I'm definitely looking this up. Thank you. :pray:

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