Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 18

Do you want to be right, or do you want to be free?

In recovery, we often hear the words irritable, restless and discontent. One of the biggest blockages that keeps us in this state is holding onto past resentments or ‘justified anger.’

The problem is, until you can release the resentment, you will never be free. Justified or not.

Resentment is very much like you drinking the poison and waiting for the other party to suffer.

Letting go of your resentment is the key to your freedom.

Will you have to do some work to get there? Absolutely. There are is a spiritual path waiting for you to help to get you to the other side.

There is no value in being right at the expense of your freedom.

Choose to be free today. Why? Because you deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I need work

Still trying every day.!!

Still trying to get over the anger of my ex. not paying me back the $20k that I loaned him. He’s a narcissist :roll_eyes:

Kenny Y. ~ if you need help, please look up Annie Grace & her book This Naked Mind which I borrowed for free from the library. She also has an app which is free called This Naked Mind Companion app where you can get support. Her 2nd book is also very good called The Alcohol Experiment. She can definitely help you :purple_heart:

Very much like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I just want to be right without expecting that person to die

This Naked Mind is a great read…give it a shot…best wishes…


Us as a society tend to look at what how and when in sobriety I learn to look listen heal and as I learn I continue to grow and live a healthy better life I know it’s about letting go I don’t hold resentments I’m healing all the things that have been done to me people would think that I would be angry but Im not I’m sad at times I have been taught that tears mean growth I have been working hard on myself letting go is the way I let go and let god don’t be held back live a new life embrace the journey I have faith today I hold on to hope I’m working hard because I have learned that I’m worth it there’s a lot of beauty in recovery surrounding yourself with people who actually care want you to make it is a blessing I hope everyone has a beautiful day


Resentment is our number one offender. It's critical to our sobriety to work on not having them. I also want to enjoy my sober life. Why go around being resentful and bitter when I can be happy, joyous, and free? Working the steps, staying active in recovery, trying to help someone, sharing what's going on with us, praying and trusting God will help with letting things go. It works, it really does!


In treatment I was able to release the majority of my resentment towards my rapis, my mom and working on my dad...my shoulders are getting tighter

It comes without expecting it and hardly noticeable, just all of a sudden the smile won’t go away and then you read something like this and it becomes nearly impossible to think of a single thing that is making you angry or even slightly frustrated :man_shrugging:t3::call_me_hand:t4: work the steps and before you realize it you will be enjoying life

Wow I love this so on point!!! Definitely felt this!