Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 19

Why me vs. Why Me

Many times, people ask to themselves, ‘Why did this happen to me?’ … ‘Why did I have to be an alcoholic (or addict)’ …‘Why can’t I drink?’… Why can I not control my drinking when so many people can?’

It is incredibly important to remember, there are two ways you can approach ‘why me’

There is another side of why me.

‘Why am I so lucky to have the ability to get better when so many others don’t?’

‘Why am I so lucky that I have a disease that is 100% treatable so long as I work a program on a daily basis?’

‘Why was I able to get the gifts of the program while so many other people are sick and suffering.’

‘Why am I so lucky to change my life and live in service to others… and to the same people I used to hurt?’

Choose to pick the right ‘why me’ today. If you are reading this it means you have started your journey to build a beautiful life

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. What’s your why me? There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Great information I will use.!!:+1::+1:

Perspective is key

Strong :muscle:

Absolutely true :two_hearts:

Why me? Life could be a Helluva lot worse people!

I believe I have this disease & stay sober bc of everyone else that I’ve found that are exactly like me. For years I thought I was the only one. I did. I’m grateful everyday for addicts everywhere that have given me hope. Help me want to help them. Or believing perhaps one post would help someone.
I love you all. My heartfelt thanks!! Keeps me on track daily. Sincerely

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I think so much of life is your attitude. You can sit in a self pity party and be miserable, or like this message today, look at each situation with a positive attitude. I try (try is the operative word here😁) very hard to look for the silver lining in all the situations life throws at me.

Great message!
You are your own worst enemy, critic and negative reinforcement. I am truly blessed to be physically, mentally and spiritually healthy as a result of my recovery. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake…especially the past that led you to become the person you are today. Pain and struggle is a prerequisite for happiness and strength.

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Loved it needed that

Great message! Needed to read this today.

I know for myself why me why me started in my bed twenties and didn't stop till my mid-40s when I knew why me all I can say to the person in his mid-20s humility is the key the absolute key the absolute solution and get a good guide to put you through the steps trust me when you get this gift nothing else will matter you will hold on to it like gold but it Don't come easy you got to fight for it don't be the statistic you have an opportunity to see the truth of why me humble to it and start a spiritual journey with God which then you will be saying God why me why me why did you give me the gift and not others...truth

I liked what I read yesterday the lady was talking about pausing, that really resonated with me, I am 48 hrs sober and very grateful, reading my AA book and going to zoom an AA meeting tonight

Why me? Cause I had to face trauma that was buried 25-30 yrs to get here. Now that fragile person is strong and capable of facing her for
fears and forgiving those that hurt me. Learning to get my anger and anxiety in check but all about the steps and prayer. Working this program to be the best me I can.

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This was great! Totally gave my mind a 360

Great message!

I feel like the people I run into in the sober community, the ones that really want to do it are some of the best people out there...we recognize our problems and work on them so we don't grab the drink/drug to escape....we look at the problem, accept it and learn to change what we can!

I always ask


I wasn't a drinker! What happened!! WHY!!!!!

I lost my 9 year old six years ago. When having a bad day once, I remember asking this lady why me?!? She replied “Why not you?” Real quick backstory. I offer help, advice, anything you want to call it to newly grieving parents. Mostly mothers. Helping them get through difficult times, in turn helps myself! I say all that to say if it weren’t for our struggles, our addiction and ongoing recovery, we wouldn’t be in a position to help and give advice to newcomers seeking treatment. So yeah why me! But also why not me. Anytime the why me’s come to thought, I also ask why not me. But the tips you gave on Why Me? was definitely worth the read!