Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 2

Sobriety is never owned, it is rented… and the rent is due every day.

If you have been around recovery for a while, you may have heard this before. If you haven’t, it is something that you need to hear.

As discussed in previous tips, it is critical to understand that we can never stay sober today on yesterday’s sobriety.

Staying sober requires working a spiritual program every day, one day at a time.

The most important word in this sentence is ‘working.’

Working a spiritual program involves requires consistency, something we need to do for nearly anything else in life that we want to get… and keep.

The difference, however, is that for an alcoholic or addict, we need to GET sober and KEEP sober every day as our lives literally depend upon it.

Let’s look at a few things from our daily lives:

We need to eat nourishing food every day in order to GET and KEEP healthy.

The same also applies when we exercise consistently. We GET fit, we KEEP fit and if we stay consistent, we get even fitter. The more we exercise, the better we feel and the more improvements we see.

If we are lifting weights our muscles get stronger and grow.

If we play a sport, like tennis as an example, the more tennis we play, the better we get.

It is also important to note that, to continue to improve and get to the next level, we need to constantly surround ourselves with people who are actually ‘better’ than us.

Recovery is no different. It is always best to surround ourselves with people who have a recovery program that we admire and aspire to achieve.

We look for the daily things they do each and every day to remain emotionally sober.

To be clear, this does not in any way mean that we are to stay away from those who are new to sobriety or people who don’t yet have what we want.

In fact, the opposite is true. The people we surround ourselves with who are teaching us a strong spiritual program of recovery will encourage us to help the newcomer and others who need help as it is imperative that we give away what was so freely given to us.

Are you ready to pay your sober rent today? If so, what do you plan to do?

If you have been sober for a while, what are some tools you do each day to maintain your sobriety?

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


You must stay laser focused on your recovery.!!! Great information.!!

This speaks to me! Thank you so much! I’ve been sober 2 years and 5 months. I’ve worked through a gamut of emotions, but stay consistent with managing one day at a time. Currently, I’m feeling I’m at a place of servitude and like to support by sharing my story - because it keeps me accountable - plus I’ve shifted so much. I’ve lost friends and often feel lonely - so I work on deep thinking while I swim or run. That being said, I still have to work on my thoughts surrounding alcohol, still. I guess there’s always work when becoming the better version of yourself and that’s okay. Bottom line, I’m grateful to not be drinking.


Great read! It hits home. You must keep your foot on the gas regarding your recovery everyday. I am so grateful to be sober😊

Good read I’m coming up on 5 years in a couple of days but I woke sober today and went to the gym :pray::pray:

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I def needed to read this today. Sometimes the rent seems manageable & the day is smooth sailing. Other times, the rent feels almost impossible to put together. I am not new to the program. I’ve been in and out of the rooms since 2005 but I am in my first 30 days today. I went back out for a while & by God’s grace, I found my way back. I know that “paying my rent” & working a program of rigorous honesty is my only true hope at staying sober. In the past, someone else collected “my rent” for me as I was always in a treatment center during early sobriety. I have a child to raise now and I am his only parent. I have to manage life on life’s terms one day at a time & commit to that 24 hour period of abstinence. My sponsor told me recently that my recovery is a muscle & the more I strengthen it, the stronger it will get. The more rent we pay, the more likely we are to remain happy, joyous & free. I am completely restless, irritable & discontent this morning (R.I.D) but as long as I keep my feet planted in the solution and make sure that I pay my dues by attending and meeting & reaching out to others in recovery, I can guarantee that today I will not pick up. I love this post so much. Thank you for sharing.


I use " I will not drink, I will not smoke. Just for today. And if its severe enough, ill say just for this hour. I think intently on the things that I will look back on tomorrow and regret if I mess up today so far it has helped me but it hasn't been easy reaching out and talking to the people who care about you and love you help too for me it's really about creating separation from the urges it gives you a second or two to run and get away from it before you give in to it

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This was the turning point for me. Understanding I have to do something program related every day to stay plugged into sobriety. It’s the only piece I was missing to make it work and now as long as I do something in my daily sobriety regimen I’m all good!

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Great read. Ill be passing this on to the ladies in my sober house.

My sobriety rent is paid in full today! I will check the balance at the end of my day. That’s our daily reprieve.

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I definitely needed to hear this today. I'm in week 3 of hopefully my last attempt at getting sober and this began with energy to remove the sht in my life and replacing it with newness (painting, deep cleaning, projects left undone because drink seemed more important). Today shifted to a total mind f@# ... Trying to remain strong. Perhaps I'll be renting hour to hour today. My heart rate is up and my mood is slowly declining. Ugh. I'm renting this hour, this minute, this second seems more manageable right now.

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Daily! Daily! Daily!

I believe it is a process and that is daiy