Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 22

A life run on self-will is doomed to fail.

Much of recovery has to do with taking us away from self-will and turning it over to a power greater than ourselves.

It is very important to note that it is not tied to any religion or devotion. It is 100% spiritual, and the higher power is whatever you want it to be, so long as it is not us.

To some, we turn our will over to this higher power who we may choose to call God. For others, who may be atheist or agnostic, we often turn our power over to our sober peers. In this case our God is Group-Of-Drunks.

Another thing we may want to do is add an “o” to God. When we are agitated, pause and think, what is the G-oo-d thing to do?

We can also look at it as Gift Of Dignity or Good Orderly Direction.

The most important thing to know that the answers will not come from us at it is our thinking that got us into trouble in the first place.

Just for today, choose to free yourself from the bondage of self and ask whatever or whoever your higher power is to direct your thoughts as to the next right thing to do.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I like this message because whenever I can't get to a meeting I tend to read or get the spiritual words of god and it gets me through what ever situation I'm in


I choose God :pray:
And thanks so much for the message this opens the door wider so that more of us can enter recovery. My best thoughts got me in some bad situations so find the higher power in your life that you can trust with your best interest and lean on them. Look to them for direction

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I choose God... we're currently in the "21 days of prayer" campaign at church and it's been amazing author Dave Earley hits on ideas that have one really wanting to know more!

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God works for me too. I like that this isn't a religion. I go to church for that. But I believe it was the grace of God that got me to AA. I pray that everyone stays sober and finds their path to God on our journey of recovery

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This very truthful and it gave me something to think about

Turning it over is one of the first things I learned and one of many important it’s about changing behaviors when you give it to your higher power which in my case is god I find my strength through him I can tell you that wanting a better life and a life with a good foundation holds good recovery having that will to want to be better drives me I’ve never had people who care about me like I do today it’s only through this program I have been granted a chance if your new just remind yourself that your gonna make it just believe have a beautiful day :pray:t3::sparkles::blush: or night

In church service we went over this ..... that we can't save ourselves. Only God can save us. Which, is what the good read summarize pretty much says.

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I choose God,and the program is a tool I use to stay clean and that has worked for me for the last 28 months. I hope that anyone newer than myself use what keeps you clean and you will be fine. I love God and the Fellowship

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