Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 29

When entering our recovery journey, many of us want to get back everything we lost immediately.

A good number of us have lost our jobs or our homes. Others may still have our jobs or homes but have lost the trust of our family and friends. There are others amongst us who have lost our freedom.

Whatever the case, we come into recovery having lost quite a bit and we want everything back right away.

The journey of a million miles begins with the first step.

The problem is, we want to take the elevator.

The truth is what we want is the opposite of what we need.

We are not ready for the elevator. We need to take the steps.

The trick is to focus on enjoying the experience of every step. Every amend. Every repaired relationship. Every new job.

Eventually, we will understand why taking the steps is so important.

Taking the steps allows us the time to appreciate the life we are re-building. We will come to cherish it. We will be beyond grateful we never took the elevator, as each and every step we take strengthens our sobriety and increases our humility.

Then the magical time will happen when it’s our turn to show another struggling addict the importance of taking the steps.

Be kind to yourself today. Just by reading this, know that you have just taken another giant step.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.
With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I lost alot of family and little by little they are seeing my progress. I love sobriety!!

I’ve lost everything
I’m trying to find my new normal

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Having the experience of being without a home food clothing family is something that those who have been in this situation remember there are days when we have to just sit and listen and then there are days when we need to sit and listen their are those who want to take the elevator and then there are some who prefer the stairs grasping all the information to better yourself doing the steps and taking the time necessary to grow it is so important we are all trying to live , heal , and grow with the hopes of one day living a peaceful healthy life and giving help to those who need to hear that it’s possible I hope everyone has a beautiful day :sparkles::sparkles::blush::pray:t3:

I have lost everything, lost my freedom, lost partners, jobs, houses, etc. I am now taking my Recovery very seriously and am connecting with other addicts/ Alcoholics and reading my Big book and other spiritual practices and feel like a whole new man! It's great what God can do in your life when you let go and let God! I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday and God bless! :heart:

This hits home :dart:

Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to recovery or rebuilding our lives. We didn't destroy it in one week, or a day, etc., so it will take time to heal and rebuild a healthy foundation for our lives. It's like learning to walk again, but this time, we need to appreciate every huge step we take and know that it may not be easy, but ultimately, it will be worth it. We shall find happiness within and put everything in God's hands, because he knows what he is doing and everything happens for a reason, even if we may not know what that reason may be, it's always for a purpose. And through this journey, we shall become stronger and more wise in how to handle life's struggles and situations in a healthy manner. It's literally one day at a time. Stay connected, consistent and open with others who are living the journey like you. Amen
So grateful for sobriety today :heart: