Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 3

Our disease is waiting outside for us in the parking lot doing pushups.

This phrase is heard quite often when working a spiritual program of recovery to remind ourselves what is waiting for us should we ever choose to go back to our previous way of life.

We know this because, sadly, many people go out on a regular basis, and we have clear evidence what happens for those who actually make it back.

We have seen countless people come back completely shocked that their disease was as bad as it ever was and even more realize that it was infinitely worse.

Why? Because it was doing pushups waiting for us.

Here is then great news… you NEVER need to find out.

There are tens of millions of us in recovery here to walk with you on this journey together.

The journey is beautiful when we do it together. It is quite treacherous when we try it alone.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Awesome information.!

:blush: :muscle:t4:

So true

Love this site

Great info wish I reached out yesterday slipped up but starting over had 6 days. Day one today


My own experience has proven this to be a FACT! Numerous relapses and thinking I could moderate proved that to me! I got worse faster each time. Today it's so much easier to just not try that first drink! One year sober, by the grace of my higher power! :pray::blush:


Great read to start the day and a great reminder to always raise your hand when you need help

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All of us, regardless of # of sober days, only have today. Keep coming back. You're worth it!


Way to go😊

Love this!!


I love this reminder. Hope you all have a blessed and beautiful day :heart::heart::pray::pray:

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I need these tips every morning. 5 days sober :muscle:t4:

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This tip was one of the first I heard in early sobriety, and today it’s truer than ever.

Wow. My disease can do push-ups waiting for me…:exploding_head: Why can’t my physical body do sit-ups while I’m sleeping?!

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