Loosid Sober Tip of the Day January 31

Facing Life on Life’s Terms

When we get sober, we no longer numb out life’s problems.

We actually feel our feelings for the first time, and often times, for most of us, this can be very overwhelming.

Take solace in knowing that you are now facing life on life’s terms.

When you face life on life’s terms and find solutions to challenges as opposed to running away from them, you get better at life.

Will it be uncomfortable at first? Absolutely.

During this time, it is very important to reach out to other people who have been in recovery and have some sober reference.

These are the people who will get you through these challenging times.

In unity there is strength.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Being new in recovery there are going to be so many different feelings you will get over whelmed not knowing exactly how this program works yet you see so many people enjoying life you might feel alone when you feel like this reach out understanding that people care might not be anything that your familiar with this to n difficult because it’s not something that you are used to understand that you will get through this believe in yourself and believe in the process there might be days that you feel afraid and that is also ok having a healthy fear is all normal you growing over coming different obstacles will build your confidence don’t give up on yourself day by day you will get there hold on to your hope is and you have a great day :pray:t3::sparkles::blush:


Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable was one of the hardest things for me to learn how to do…sometimes I even still struggle with it, and that’s okay. Not every day is going to be a cake walk. What is important is that I pick up the phone when things seem impossible, get honest with myself and another person, and talk about it. I remember that I am not alone in this journey and that I never have to use again. My worst day clean is still better than my best day using!


This is absolutely the truth I was so emotionally overwhelmed the first 6 months or so I was not sure I would be successful but I have made it 8 months now and I’m getting better at managing my emotions


Thanks to my little tribe of women f

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This is true and is over whelming but worth every tear. Lots of tears.

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For the past two days I've wanted to crawl out of my own skin, I'm crying for no reason but still sober, I went to an AA meeting and basically begged one of the women to walk me through the 12 steps because I'm sober with the same problems as before, and a woman agreed to walk me through, she texted me "just for today"

I have the had a few people help me with the steps as they say some of the most unexpected . !!! Trough the fellowship, big book, daily readings and lots of prayer I am on this wonderful journey of self growth. Remember when the student is ready a teacher appears