Loosid Sober Tip of the Day July 9

Understanding powerlessness.

When we say we are powerless over alcohol or substances, it’s important to understand what that means as, powerlessness is often perceived as a negative word.

Powerlessness of alcohol is the same as if you had diabetes as you your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin as well as it should. You can also be in incredible shape and have high blood pressure.

Despite the fact we are powerless whether we have diabetes or high blood pressure, there is effective treatment for both. If you are an alcoholic or addict, know that it is 100% treatable as well.

The firs step, however, is to accept that you are powerless, Only then will you be ready to accept treatment to get better.

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With Love, Loosid :pray:t4::heart:


A great point to remember everyday and to change the outcome we can fix this.:+1::+1::+1:

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Acceptance is another key word

It was truly freeing once I realized a God of my understanding could and would if He were sought

Life becomes entirely unmanageable unless we recognize how powerless we are to it. Thankful for the struggle to get to where i am today mind, body, and soul.

Just dont pick up.

Good point. Powerless does not mean weakness