Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 12

In order to heal, we have to feel.

In our active addiction, most of us have used substances to numb ourselves so as not to feel anything in our lives that wasn’t going according to OUR plan.

When we enter a spiritual program of recovery, we learn that the only way to recover is to lean into the very same things we were running away from for so long.

No one has ever lived a life according to OUR plan. No matter who you are, life will have joy and sadness. Love and loss. Dark and light.

That’s called life.

When we get sober, much of our spiritual work is on complete acceptance of life on life’s terms and feeling ALL feelings good and ‘bad’.

More importantly, we change our perception of what we used to call ‘bad’.

From our ‘problems’ come our greatest lessons. From our ‘pain’ comes our greatest growth.

Just for today, be willing to accept all that comes, good and bad.

Take solace in the fact that there is a spiritual program to embrace it all.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Absolutely beautiful..!

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This really hit me one of the reasons I keep relapsing or not stopping my pills completely I just slowed WAY down I dont hy anymore but I take them to stop withdrawals and to stop the feelings The times I have completely quit because I’ve been battling this for 15 years 20 years maybe the time that I did completely quit I was just flooded With feelings and emotions to where the littlest thing with I just bust down crying about everything literally everything stuff that hasn’t even happened that I just thought my happened to my kids or something and I just I couldn’t handle it I couldn’t handle all those feelings at once. But reading this makes me know that it’s not just me it’s part of recovery and that helps I thought it was just me maybe being a big baby or looking for an excuse to take a pill so this really helped me thank you

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For me I feel human again being able to feel my feelings. In my drinking days most of my feelings came from a place of self pity and anger. When painful feelings do arise it sometimes can make me feel like drinking. What I’m trying is to pray in these situations. I will ask my God to remove my obsession to drink and /or relieve me of the pain I am feeling.

I love this.. it helps to embrace your past as well as each day.. or you will never get over the past.. about the only time I feel like drinking is when I’m stressed from shopping.. I hate to shop and deal with stupid people.. people who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.. rude people..!! But I pray while I feel like this.. and don’t drink..!!

Beautiful lyrics worded Sober tip

Good stuff!
