Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 13


You’re eligible too.

If you have been around recovery for a while, you have most likely heard this acronym before.

The reason why this acronym is so important is because it explains the progression of the disease.

If you are an alcoholic or addict, what you will find is the disease gets worse, never better.

We deceive ourselves into thinking we are in control because:

We have not lost our job… YET

We have not lost our house… YET

We have not lost our children… YET

We have not gone to jail… YET

We have also heard people say:

We only drink, but have never done cocaine…YET

We only do cocaine but have never done crack… YET

We only do crack but have never picked up a needle… YET.

Alcoholism and addiction are diseases of YETS. You’re eligible too. While any of the above alone will eventually kill us, we still spend all of our efforts trying to justify that we are OK because we haven’t reached our YETS.

Just for today, take solace in knowing that there is no need to reach your YETS.

If you feel you have reached your YETS and are reading this, know there is one yet you have not reached YET… and you never have to provided you ask for help and are willing to work a spiritual program of recovery.

Why? Because you deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Excellent information. I learned something today by reading this. Very powerful point.. thanks.

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Well this hit home.

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I have never heard of this and I have a long history working in the field of addiction and related policy. I love it! I am a classic example of this thinking. I’ve lost very little (except the last 10 years of extreme drinking, and I kept drinking with the convoluted logic that I had no dire consequences. Why in the world would I wait until I lost something big? Well, addiction, that’s why but it’s much easier to go into recovery with a house, spouse, job, etc. than not.

On the other hand, whatever you have or don’t have right now, if you’re not using, you’re golden!


There was a time I had my shit together, at least on paper. The “yets” eventually happened. The stuff I've put myself through are things I had only heard about or seen in movies. I cringe when I hear people exploring recovery options talking like they have it figured out. I know all too well where that thinking leads. In that situation myself, I had two options; Listen to those who've been there and know from experience, or let my house burn down out of my own stubborn “wisdom”. I chose the latter, only by a miracle am I alive to talk about it.

Just said this yesterday, I’ve lost everything before. Got it back, and haven’t lost it again… YET.

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No, I'm not in control of anything in my life because GOD is! God gives us the ability to make sound decisions. Sometimes, we decide to go off the path.


Oh man! Puts everything in perspective. As my parents said "never say never."

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