Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 27

What is the quality of your sobriety?

In recovery, many people get fixated on the amount of sober time they have and compare it to others. As mentioned in a previous sober tip, the world record for sobriety is 24 hours and nobody has broken it yet!

Much like it’s never about the amount of years in one’s life, but rather the amount of life in one’s years, the same applies to sobriety.

Putting down the drink or the drug only allows us to enter a spiritual journey that we call recovery. Working a spiritual program allows us to be free from all the things that used to hold us back.

We often find people in recovery with only months of ‘sobriety time’ who are happy, joyous and free. Most often, this is because they actively work a spiritual program and, as a result, have what many people call ‘emotional sobriety'.

On the other side, there are many who have decades of ‘sobriety time’ who are miserable and still stuck in the bondage of self. Freeing ourselves requires work, but the great news we all have the ability to achieve that freedom.

Find solace in the fact that you can be free any time you want. Choose freedom today. You deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :heart::pray:


Keeping track of sober time is not meant to be a competition. It's a way to hold ourselves accountable. It's easy after only a couple days to slip and say, oh well I'll just start over. It's a lot harder to make the decision to “slip” one in after several months or years, especially when we think of all the blood sweat and tears, along with personal growth that we are about to throw away. And it's also something to be proud of. Anyone who doesn't care about sober time isn't really trying to stay sober.

And in my opinion, working a spiritual program with others is important. It's about finding and keeping a much better way of living, and finding fulfillment finally. If all I care about is not drinking/using, why bother? My Dad is over 30 years sober, and is the most unhappy person I've ever known because he stopped working his program years ago and prefers isolation. I want to live again.


These daily messages give me hope, and awareness that with more time of sobriety under my belt, I’m able to create a beautiful, sober life style for myself.

I love this. I'm 115 days and feel free and joyful. I actually can recall things with accuracy. I enjoy my time being able to read. Just be. And not turn away from my life and thoughts


I’m with you Matthew! I’m working hard for happy & joyous & free! I isolated & stepped away from the program as result i unrecovered after almost 30 years . So i am grateful to begin again.

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“Emotional sobriety”… exactly

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I love this!

Thank goodness you made it back!!! Wow, I really admire your courage. Well done, and best to you on your continued journey!! :slight_smile:

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I’ve always been told, “don’t count the days, make the days count.” Very true

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Today is all that matters right now. That’s what matters the most. “Just for today”. That goes for every day. This is “your” sobriety. No need to concern yourself with long term right now. It just will give you stress. And we all know we don’t need any more of that. Have a great sober day.

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Good morning everyone! It's a great day to be clean and sober! Yeah, I have 3 years, 8 months and 22 days today. But I can only live in June 27, 2021...today. Some of the way I live is automatic. For example, I figure out which meeting(s) that I'm going to today. Have I talked to my sponsor lately? Have I reached out to a newcomer lately? Did I pray and/or meditate today? Currently, I'm unemployed, so much of my day is spent on my spiritual life. It may sound like a lot, but when I had a job it wasn't much different. I love being in recovery! Personally, I can't live any other way. Thank-you everyone and have a great day!! :+1::pray::heart::sparkles:

What can I say that need be said

It’s always been quality vs quantity for me.

I agree with the reading part! Not only does sobriety give you extra time it seems, & reading is a great activity to fill that time, but I found that so many times I wanted to read something but I couldn’t because I couldn’t concentrate on what I was reading because of being high or buzzed. So nice to simply be!

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