Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 28

The world record for sobriety is 24 hours and nobody’s broken it yet.

This short tip contains perhaps the most powerful message we will ever hear in recovery.

Many people come into recovery thinking, ‘how can I live the rest of my life without drinking or drugging?’

The answer is… you don’t have to.

There is absolutely no need to worry about whether we will drink tomorrow, next week, or next year.

Make a commitment to not pick up a drink or drug just for today. That’s all we need. All we ever will need.

How did this tip resonate with you? What is your tip of the day? Share with the community below.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Very true.!!


24 hr daily reprieve!

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Just for today!:slightly_smiling_face::pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Don’t pick up the first one & you won’t get loaded

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I got drunk way before the first drink. It was the mental obsession that got me drunk.
Taking steps one, two, and three removed the urges and mental obsession to drink. However, my obsession of the mind was still there. Restless, irritable and discontent. I began to obsess over the people, places and things I was angry at. Step four and five showed me my part and exposed my character defects. My mind began to heal. A new attitude and outlook upon life started to take shape. I began to realize that I had to go an entire psychic change in order to live a joyous life free from drinking and drugging.
Steps six, seven, eight and nine gave me more clarity on my defects and the ability to clean up my past. Not all of the people I’ve harmed excepted me with open arms. Steps ten and eleven maintenance steps, give me the tools I need to stay in my lane. To put my trust in a power greater than myself. To practice meditation to improve my conscious contact with my higher power God. This brings me to step twelve, after having a spiritual awakening, I tried to carry this message to other alcoholics who still suffer and practice this principles in all of my affairs. The real joy for me is to see another person go through the steps and achieve not only sobriety but a new freedom. To see them grow from a hopeless state of mind and body to a spiritual being. To mend relationships. To become part of society. This has happened twice out fourteen people I’ve gone started working with. I’m forever grateful I get to help others. Regardless of the success rate of others, I have a 100 percent. Find a newcomer, guide them, if they don’t want it, find another. You will stay sober.

My ultimate advice is don’t quit before the miracle happens.




I love it!!!!:heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::yellow_heart:

It hit home to me!

Don’t ever forget what it took,to get where you are 428 clean and sober!!

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I live for these daily tips.