Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 3

Learning to love ourselves is one of the hardest challenges we face when entering a spiritual program of recovery.

So many of us look at the harm we have done and think that it is impossible we will ever get to a point to right our wrongs.

Many more amongst us think we do not deserve to get better.

Just for today, give yourself the gift of recognizing your accomplishments.

No matter who you are, you took two very big steps today.

You opened Loosid to get help… and you read a tip to get advice and guidance.

Sadly, there are millions of people on this very day who are stuck in denial and refuse to accept the possibility that they need help, and for this reason they didn’t take any steps.

Take one more step today… walk over to your mirror and look at yourself and say, “I’m proud of you.”

Why? Because you should be.

How did this tip resonate with you? Is this the first time you looked in the mirror and told yourself this? How did it feel?

Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:



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love this

Now that I am sober I realize that I love myself now. I didn't while engaging in drinking and always looking for my next drink.

I did something about my problems. First, I decided I needed to quit. Second, I surrounded myself with sober folks who would be my voice of reason when I couldn't. Third, I got emotional help and began to rely on God. It was hard. I'm glad I pressed through. I'm proud of myself for doing it.

Thank you

i’m proud of all of y’all!!!

Nice! The mirror is definitely powerful

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It is indeed a radical act to love oneself

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I’ve done excerciseslike this and was surprised at how hard it is to look myself in the mirror and say “I love you”. It makes me more compassionate towards myself, almost like I’m talking to a loved one. It’s easy to beat ourselves up when we don’t consider ourselves worthy.

So true see my hp got me and knows exactly what I need to here and what I’m trying to do for me so I can do for the ones I love :heart:

Since I’m clean and sober I’m learning to love myself.. I’ve gone thru a year in prison and treatment been home for 9 months and in AA.. and an aftercare program.. I’m a better person for it all.. I am truly blessed.. I enjoy your tips everyday.. I’ve even been reading them to my fellow alcoholics/addicts.. as we progress..

Thank you!! I need to read this today😊

Difficult, and different, I'll try

I never hated myself... I'm kind of a narcissist... 5 yrs sober and I still cant get past step 8 because I'm not sorry for anything.
The only thing I dislike about myself is that I'm fat now since I got sober

Great one

I'm proud of me for loving me. That's choosing not to respond to disrespectful people and ignoring them at the moment.

I have not ever looked in the mirror and said those words. I will try to make it a point to do this one day at a time. I hope that this will.bring me the confidence that I deserve❣️

Inspiring message.. thanks!