Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 5

Alcoholism and addiction are diseases of isolation.

Yesterday we discussed the importance of building a sober network of 5 people you can connect with each day to provide you with the support you need throughout your recovery journey.

Getting help from others who are working a spiritual program of recovery and building this support system around you is a non-negotiable.

Sadly, far too many of us never ask for help and for that reason, never build a sober network.

We expect to GET but do not dare ASK… and if we don’t ask, we will never receive.

This is because of EGO… a three-letter word that kills alcoholics and addicts by the million.

We have discussed the horrors of the ego before, but most of us have a built-in forgetter.

Just for today, remind yourself that EVERY person who is now (emotionally) sober had to lower their ego and ask for help.

How did this tip resonate with you? Do you need help?

If you practice a spiritual program of recovery, are you willing to give help?

Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Surrender comes to mind. The gift of desperation. Realizing I am defeated and I need help. Sadly, too many people think there is a better way on their own. Unfortunately in our world of addiction, we often have to talk about them in the past tense now. I need help, because I want to live and it's too much for me alone.


That's amazing, Matthew. We are powerless, and without the help of other alcoholics, we cannot do it alone.

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Great information.. thanks :+1::+1:

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Great message it’s the first step that’s the hardest. Fighting this battle has became my hardest ...

" Emotional Sobriety " takes time..Anybody can refrain from substance...Isolation almost killed me !!!! ...COVID didn't help. Was homeless , jobless, but NEVER needless...Not reaching out almost killed me. My Ego and Pride stood in the way of the sunlight of the Spirit... Today, I must constantly stay n touch and reach out when I'm feeling "squirly"...This is a lifelong practice...

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This is very difficult for me. It is admitting my weakness, and failure in my head. I found an AA meeting I’m interested in, but it’s still on line and I always find something else I “have to” do. I could put it on my calendar to do in 3 weeks.