Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 8

The power of the serenity prayer.

Over the next three days, we will look at one of the most powerful prayers in recovery …and in life.

First, as mentioned in previous tips, it is important to clarify that the program of recovery is a spiritual one, not a religious one and when we say, ‘God’ that is whatever our conception of our higher power may be.

The first part of the serenity prayer is as follows:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

We often notice that the first part of the serenity prayer, once we truly practice it, frees up the vast majority of our time.

So many of us in recovery (and in life) wonder why someone did this, why someone else did that, why someone else said this, or why someone else said that.

We also get upset when we get an injury, miss the train, get cut off in traffic, the list is endless as it happens countless times each day to all of us.

Here’s another one… why do we have alcoholism? Why did we become an addict?

When we don’t accept the things we cannot change, we waste energy foolishly.

If it already happened, why do we spend any energy whatsoever fighting what has happened?

Once we are able to truly accept the things we cannot change, we can free up our lives and focus entirely on changing the things we can.

Just for today, think about what you have been wasting your time on that has already happened. How much time have you wasted?

Once you recognize this and choose to let it go and move into acceptance, you should feel a feeling of relief that you have not felt in a very long time.

If you are open to it, share below your experience with this first part of the serenity prayer. What have you been wasting your energy on?

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


One thing I have truly accepted, is I Am an addict. I used to pretend that if I didn’t look like and addict, I wasn’t one. Truth be told, I looked like one because I was one. I WAS the one who spent half her paycheck to pick up, I was the one who lost 2 homes, I was the one who slept in places my moral compass knew I shouldn’t be. I have accepted the fact the was in the pasted. At 430 days and counting, I have freed up enough space to work a few steps, found a little love for myself and I have serenity in my life today.
One second, one hour, one day at a time, this addicts got to keep coming back.
4/3/20 Clean date and proud for it


Great information. So true every word..

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Thanks for sharing Krista!

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I have been trying for years to accept the years I lost being a good mom to my 12 year old son. Some days are easier than others.

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Acceptance of the unchangeable is very liberating. I ofent tell people, don't worry about what you can't change. It doesn't help change it. Further don't worry about what you can change, change it.
I learned this lesson many years ago and cannot tell you the peace it brings to my life. One of the biggest triggers in life is stress and stress is created by worry.


I need to respond better when people sass me for no reason. There are 4 individuals who do this frequent. I don’t sass back. But I need to change my response: frustration. I need to let it roll off my back or limit my interactions with them.

U certainly can free up time and energy by recognizing the things u cannot change, Amen!!!

My passed and what I became after it

I can’t change the fact that
Alcohol is an addictive drug
I can’t control my intake after I have a drink
Alcohol makes me less productive
Alcohol makes me feel like crap the next morning
Alcohol causes me to make stupid social decisions….

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