Loosid Sober Tip of the Day March 24

The courage to change the things we can.

Yesterday we started with looking at the first part of the serenity prayer. If you haven’t read yesterday’s tip, simply touch the back button and read it now.

Today, we focus on the second part, the middle section of the serenity prayer:

The courage to change the things I can.

Once we have accepted the things we cannot change, we have freed up a tremendous amount of wasted time and energy that can now be used on what’s most important… having the courage to change the things we can.

Pay special attention to the word courage. The truth is, it is very easy to complain, yet it requires courage to face life’s challenges.

We have alcoholism. OK. What can we do about it?

Once we accept that we cannot change the fact that we are alcoholic, we can enter a spiritual program of recovery to see what other people do to get sober, stay sober and live a beautiful life.

That is 100% within our control.

We have been fired from our job. What can we do about it? We can accept what happened and look with anticipation and excitement at finding the next opportunity.

That is 100% within our control.

We just got into an argument with our significant other. What do we do about it? Do we argue and try to ‘win’ the argument? Of course not. Despite what you might think, nobody ever wins an argument.

We can accept what happened. We can call a friend and ask for their advice. We can meditate. We can also look for our part (where we were at fault) in the argument.

If we believe in a higher power, we can ask our higher power to direct our thinking.

All of this is 100% within our control.

We can always gather courage to change the things we can. It is inside all of us.

Knowing you have the courage, what do you want to do today that you can change?

Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I will change something today.!!

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I like the phrase 'we are alcoholic' it points more to a way that we are predisposed to handle alcohol rather than characterizing us as being a certain type of person, namely an alcoholic. This is a good angle to help is in our walk of life!

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I will make changes in my life that are necessary for my recovery

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Changing something today for me personally are movies, music people being more aware of what music I am listening to music is a trigger for me movies also, a trigger believe it or not baffling and cunning disease addiction, stinking thinking, be aware of what I’m thinking run to the word It’s all about him. Thank you for another day. Amen. We wondered if we are we good enough for this beautiful life of sobriety heck yes :coffee::cherry_blossom::coffee::heartpulse::heartpulse:

I will change planting myself on the couch after work with the TV. Time to read a book!

Needed this reminder today.

Thank you for this reminder!!

Needed this today