Loosid Sober Tip of the Day March 28


You’re eligible too.

If you have been around recovery for a while, you have most likely heard this acronym before.

The reason why this acronym is so important is because it explains the progression of the disease.

If you are an alcoholic or addict, what you will find is the disease gets worse, never better.

We deceive ourselves into thinking we are in control because:

We have not lost our job… YET

We have not lost our house… YET

We have not lost our children… YET

We have not gone to jail… YET

We have also heard people say:

We only drink, but have never done cocaine…YET

We only do cocaine but have never done crack… YET

We only do crack but have never picked up a needle… YET.

Alcoholism and addiction are diseases of YETS. You’re eligible too. While any of the above alone will eventually kill us, we still spend all of our efforts trying to justify that we are OK because we haven’t reached our YETS.

Just for today, take solace in knowing that there is no need to reach your YETS.

If you feel you have reached your YETS and are reading this, know there is one yet you have not reached YET… and you never have to provided you ask for help and are willing to work a spiritual program of recovery.

Why? Because you deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Yes. I always try to deceived my self that I’m in control of things , that I haven’t reach the level of ( yets) but I still drinking…. And I’m afraid to get worse but I me looking for a espiritual help as well as this app and the community to beat this disease. Blessings!

Mario have you decided yet, to go to meetings no matter What... Please remember if you have the addiction disease know we all have 3 true definite outcomes. If we continue to drink it Will drag us around. The three futures we definitely have are Jail Insanity or/and Death. They can happen rapidly or slower but they all happen. Please go to meetings and truly listen to each person... If you haven't heard it, you will hear someone share your story of misery but then..their experience of recovery and Living...


There are 3 horrific yets I know of. And I've seen them in AA and experienced one before AA.
If we continue to deny our addiction we will live insanity or go insane.. we will go to jail...it's definite.
Our addiction will kill us.
First it kills us inside...then our Selfish inability to live life as it occurs and our growing Addiction too.. will kill us physically. Either slowly,
on accident,
by overdose or suicide...

But there are sobriety yets too.
You haven't experienced your family trusting you. Yet.
You haven't experienced sitting quietly without a insane crazy voice in your head. It's called Serenity, yet.
You haven't experienced life after doing steps 4-9, yet.
You haven't experienced having Integrity Yet. ( Steps 10-12)
You haven't experienced having people really see You,
really Trust you,
really Love you for sober You..yet ..

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For me the three final outcomes are institutionalized, insanity and/or death. The torture we endure to protect those outcomes is pure insanity. I did it and I came to jumping off place, faith or no faith, either he was or he wasn’t, I go on to the bitter end or I accept help, that is a tough choice. When I think back, my o my it was a tough choice. I also knew that if I surrendered, my life wouldn’t be the same. I am the type of Alkie who doesn’t care about precious yets , jobs, family, homes. But incarceration, insanity or death, well that’s something. So surrender I did. Best thing that I have ever witnessed and /or experienced. It never gets old!!!

12 steps of reflection and action

Ok so for me I’ve experienced sobriety, spirituality, serenity, simplicity, and D” all of the above I was sober for 30 days and relapsed the other day. The moment I took a hit I literally threw up. Did that stop me from taking another hint now that I threw up again yes, the disease is real I’m not so sure if it’s a disease, though I’d rather referred to as a demon within we are on me which ever you prefer but it’s real and it’s there. It’s like you want to live a normal life but if you lived a life like mine institutions being a registered gang member and being 100% about that life it’s more than just a drug, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a lifestyle where you can experience heights at its highest and lows at its lowest these are things not normal. People will ever experience or even understand once you’ve experienced these heights and then try to go back to a simple type of lifestyle it’s meaningless. It’s not you, we can’t share in conversations about experiences you’ve had because they’re so extreme that it sounds ridiculous or you just look crazy so for the rest of your life, you have to just shut up and listen to a bunch of normal people talk about their exciting lives, but their excitement you’ve experienced already times 100 once you become a drug attic, you’ll never be the same you’ll never really know who you are because who society wants you to be as sober person isn’t really who you are when I was sober I went to church I got into a an elite fellowship with an elite group of people I studied in my Bible inside it now every day I don’t believe in the 12 steps because I believe in Jesus Christ says in the Bible that if you give it to him he’ll take it and put it in a see if forgetfulness and if you believe that, then it’s as simple as that. You know one thing I’ve never experienced is it even though I’ve had five kids they’re all grown. I never got to experience a married life I never got to experience being married. Should I played house but I was never a wife when I was sober and in my spirituality, I wondered what it would be like to have a husband someone that went to church and lived a life of spirituality as well but then I got to thinking if I were ever to open up to this person, I would want to be my husband I’d probably corrupt him the things that I did under the influence would be considered evil ugly, etc. to the common norm but to me it was fun and exciting and I loved it. I can almost say that it turned me on at times what arouse me May 2 somebody else and I know that, so I choose to stay quiet about those things because even though Christians don’t judge, it’s in our nature to judge my demons are not in me. They’re on me, and every time I do good for myself that I was right around the corner to not be 10 steps back I became comfortable with bottom and that’s why I keep going back, how do I get the demon off of me in the Bible? It says that if you pray to demon off of you and it comes back it comes back with 12 legions so you figure every time every labs 12 more legions of demons came back. How do you help that, what was that was going to cure that oh my God, canright same time not everybody was meant to make it to heaven that’s why there’s the opposite of heaven, I can’t call it for what it is they won’t let me reply the message everything‘s going to balance out right some people are meant to go to the opposite of heaven again I can’t call it for what it is. They won’t let me reply with message those people were meant to walk in the shadows of death How do you help them?

Let me just say, that I absolutely LOVE the sober tip of the day seriously. Just makes me feel better and it’s always SO true!

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There is no physical evidence in the brain that it is a disease. None.