Loosid Sober Tip of the Day March 8

Sobriety is never owned, it is rented… and the rent is due every day.

If you have been around recovery for a while, you may have heard this before. If you haven’t, it is something that you need to hear.

As discussed in previous tips, it is critical to understand that we can never stay sober today on yesterday’s sobriety.

Staying sober requires working a spiritual program every day, one day at a time.

The most important word in this sentence is ‘working.’

Working a spiritual program involves requires consistency, something we need to do for nearly anything else in life that we want to get… and keep.

The difference, however, is that for an alcoholic or addict, we need to GET sober and KEEP sober every day as our lives literally depend upon it.

Let’s look at a few things from our daily lives:

We need to eat nourishing food every day in order to GET and KEEP healthy.

The same also applies when we exercise consistently. We GET fit, we KEEP fit and if we stay consistent, we get even fitter. The more we exercise, the better we feel and the more improvements we see.

If we are lifting weights our muscles get stronger and grow.

If we play a sport, like tennis as an example, the more tennis we play, the better we get.

It is also important to note that, to continue to improve and get to the next level, we need to constantly surround ourselves with people who are actually ‘better’ than us.

Recovery is no different. It is always best to surround ourselves with people who have a recovery program that we admire and aspire to achieve.

We look for the daily things they do each and every day to remain emotionally sober.

To be clear, this does not in any way mean that we are to stay away from those who are new to sobriety or people who don’t yet have what we want.

In fact, the opposite is true. The people we surround ourselves with who are teaching us a strong spiritual program of recovery will encourage us to help the newcomer and others who need help as it is imperative that we give away what was so freely given to us.

Are you ready to pay your sober rent today? If so, what do you plan to do?

If you have been sober for a while, what are some tools you do each day to maintain your sobriety?

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


This was a great read for a girl going into day 3. Paying my rent today


100% true! I start almost all my days here on Loosid. And keep reading tons of books daily, or listen to podcasts. Eating well and exercising are super helpful, and so is a meditation practice. Sometimes I think I swapped my obsession with Pinot Noir for an obsession with sobriety. I’m feeling safe now, but won’t take sobriety for granted for a long time, if ever.


As someone that relapsed, I’m five days in now would of been on 30 days but I’m keep staying consistent and strong in order to get it


So true! Daily reprieve based on r spiritual condition. That’s why I will be doing an AA Zoom tonight!

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This is very inspirational and all true . I’ve been in recovery for quite awhile. I even have had a couple of relapses. I’m ok now , but can only stress stick a healthy routine, surround yourself with healthy people and talk with your groups. I actually have multiples. Stay Blessed <3


When I was in an IOP group, the therapist used to go around and ask each of us, “what have you done for your recovery today?”. A great question to ask ourselves daily.


Just take one day at the time


Congrats on day 3! Sobriety can be fun if we work our spiritual program. Stay connected. This is a wonderful app.


Work work work! Practice makes habit. Failure is a lesson.
I may have failed my previous marriage but I learned a valuable lesson.
Staying connected in the program with like minded people who talk the talk and walk the walk is who I navigate towards. However, that only goes so far in sobriety, we need to newcomer, the one who isn’t working the program. It’s them that I can give freely what was freely given to me. So if you new find someone who is willing to give you the same amount of time you want to give to your sobriety. I can say from my experience, I will put in whatever you put in for your sobriety. Remember this is your journey.
Great tip of the day!

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My opinion is that a 12 step program based on spiritual principles is of utmost importance for any type of recovery, and to maintain it and improve yourself. Almost every day I listen to an AA 11th step meditation on YouTube, sometimes daily affirmations, an AA speaker or peaceful meditation music. On days I don't do this, I don't feel right. Going to meetings 5 to 7 times a week, having a service commitment and being in touch with my sponsor on a daily basis are all super important for me to be spiritually on base. It takes a lot of work but my life is so good because of it. Staying in gratitude and the solution every day is what I make a conscious effort to do. I had 4 and a half years at 1 point, went back put for a little over 4 years and now have been able to stay sober a little over 3 years, one day at a time. The quality of sobriety that I have now that I actually work the steps and use the tools of the program is amazing and something I never want to lose.

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Love this message. It is a good reminder for me today.

Some tools I use everyday is to do some sort of self work . Doing meetings and taking classes is helping . Also staying away from the people that drink . Im on day 20 and I crave drinking. So staying away from my drinking buddies is key .

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