Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 10

Moving from being sober to getting sober requires us to start working a spiritual program.

We have removed the ‘spirits’ and need to replace it with spirituality.

In 12 step Groups, this consists of Unity (meetings and fellowship), Service (to others), and the 12 steps.

Whatever the spiritual program, you need to enter it quickly. If we sit in the seat of sobriety and not embark on a spiritual program, we will stay in pain.

If you have questions on what to do, ask in the comment section below. The Loosid community is here to help you.

If you have been sober for a while and are working a spiritual program, help the newcomers by sharing your experience below.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I'm not working a spiritual program- but I have a relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has forgiven me, delivered me, and set me from so much.

Without Him there's no me. He taught me real forgiveness and showed me that old things pass away. He doesn't judge me by my pass. Therefore, I should not.


Wouldn't you consider being in concise contact with your higher power being spiritual? Do you ask Him for guidance and wisdom and pray to Him for direction and strength?

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Conscious **

Last night was my first foray in doing service beyond the group level. I am an alternate GSR and was on a Zoom meeting last for it. I am looking forward to participating in a new to me aspect of recovery! :grin:

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I want a connection with God and I’m facing a financial problem and I need I’m poor

Glory be to God who has been my rock and strength. God delivered me from spirits, and I'm not the same person and never will be again. In a positive way. The old man( nature ) is passed away and a new man ( person ) is born. Book of Corinthians explains better than I can.
That's why I don't use the terms I'm always going to be an.... Not if God has anything to do with it!!
Be safe, be well everyone.

Believe, trust, :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::blush:

For so many, a higher power is a scary term. It conflicts with their own beliefs concerning God. Many atheist I have encountered see the push for spirituality as a push for religion. To the contrary, spirituality is seeking to connect with something inside ourselves, and if it is there outside ourselves. A higher power can be anything that has an order or strength that helps center you. I a Christian but that is because I look around me and see an order that science can't explain. Find something to keep you centered. Something that doesn't change.

My higher power is God and a relationship with him is sufficient for me. My problem with 12 step meetings is that they seem to want you to make the group and a sponsor your higher power. On one hand they say no human power could relieve us of our alcoholism but then on the other hand they want you to turn to the group (people, human power) for them to be your solution. I'm sorry but I just can't buy in to the whole 12 step thing. They say anything can be your higher power, even a doorknob. See how well that works out for you but I'm good. They have nothing I want. Whats the point of getting sober to "save your life' if your gonna smoke your self to death anyway while sober. I don't get it. Bill Wilson killed himself with cigarettes and then begged for whiskey on his death bed. And he's looked up to like some god.

Amanda S - If you have a relationship with Jesus then yes you are working a spiritual program. Thats all you need. 12 step meetings try to make people feel like thats not enough. And don't bring up Jesus or the Bible in a meeting, they will look at you crazy. But say a doorknob is your higher power then thats fine.

Twelve step programs are not religious. It is not Church. Spirituality is the belief that a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics/addicts achieve sobriety. There are Christians in the program just like agnostic and atheist. If we start quoting Scripture and using Christianese, we may scare people away who may have had a chance to experience sobriety, and therefore miracles as well. One step at a time.