Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 13

There are many acronyms that help people in recovery stay sober.

One such acronym is. SLIP. Sobriety Loses Its Priority.

There are far too many stories of people entering sobriety, getting sober, staying sober and then taking their foot off the petal.

When we get deeper into our sobriety, we start to build a beautiful life. Unfortunately, we forget that we owe that beautiful life to the recovery program that got us where we are.

Don’t let the gifts take you out of the program.

As you build this beautiful life, always remember the very things you did to get you there.

Anything you put before your sobriety you will lose.

Stay grateful today and continue to do the things every day that has given you all that you have. If you haven’t yet received the gifts of sobriety, know there is so many beautiful gifts coming.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


This is so true been there done that after 28 years of sobriety now I have 5 Yahoo hopefully w ont go there again

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Stay strong an focus on recovery

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Stay with it! Go to as many meetings as you can. That helps with loneliness and anger. I have found it to be so.

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My program is not 12 Step and this seems clearly directed at 12 Step. My recovery has been about a life where other things are more important than drinking and a very disciplined practice of Zen. I don’t spend my time wallowing in the past. I focus on living in the present and doing what I can to build a better future. Drunk-a-loges and constant dwelling on a damaged identity were to me very counterproductive


That’s kind of funny. Here you are in a 12 sober platform. Reading a Sober tip of the day and then saying your program is not a 12 step program. I guess my question to you is why are you here then lmfao

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I appreciate the clarification. I thought this was for sober people who wanted to meet other sober people. I’ll delete the app. Thanks and best of luck on your journey


As the old story of the tortoise and the hair shows, even the gifted and quick to adapt can lose if they forget the goal. The hare, in this case would be the guy who took to sobriety like it was natural for him. Six months down the road he starts thinking he can control it because sobriety is so easy. Next thing he knows he is in a detox facility again. The tortoise may have some struggles and be much more pragmatic in working the steps. He may even have to spend more time in a sober living facility than he'd like but, he is also the one who doesn't forget what his past really is. Ten years down the road and he is still plugging along. Not fast, but it works.

Katherine, this is an app for those who want to be sober. I hope you have not deleted it. You are in the right place. We understand there are different methods to sobriety and there isn't just 1 road.

You are welcome and we hope you stay.

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I agree!

This app isn't based on the 12 steps only. AA, Recovery Dharma, NA, sober, relapse, friend of an alcoholic, etc. are welcome here. This app wasn't created by AA. Loosid and AA aren't affiliated with one another.

Anthony, can you please direct me to the place in this app where it says this is only for people committed to sobriety through a 12-step program? I’m not in one and I’ve been sober for a year and 3 months.
As far as the tip above, what really resonated with me was: “Anything you put before your sobriety you will lose.” Very poignant!


Congrats on your sobriety Jennifer. This is absolutely amazing.

Which tools did you utilize to help you get and stay on this road to sobriety?

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I accidentally deleted my response!
Working out, journaling and being focused on a new career path keeps me busy.
Plus remembering how sick and miserable I was for so long, and how I ruined my life turns me off the idea of ever drinking or using again. It’s just not worth it.

Thanks for sharing Jennifer. I come from a lineage of alcoholics, too. My dad was amazing sober. But who he was drunk or hungover terrified me. I don't have a long relationship with alcohol. But when I realized one day I am going to be a mom- I decided I didn't want my children to live in the fear that I did.

I'm glad you are taking it 1 day at a time, learning from others, and being example to your family. Keep it up.

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I’m not 12 step either. I looked up groups for alcoholics where people could talk about their feelings, accomplishments, challenges and the one thing thing we have in common. No where did I see anything about this being a 12 step program.

It has been a tough journey​:latin_cross::heart_decoration::peace_symbol::star_and_crescent::om:
But I am doing it☮️

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Proud of you.

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That’s why you go to AA. To listen Read the Big Book. How it works , and the doctors opinion. Your higher power is personal. I went to 5 meetings a week for 15 years. Over 32 yes sober but I’m miserable. I need a meeting