Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 14


Honest. Open. Willing.

This acronym is another very powerful one many of us use in recovery.

First, we must get HONEST with ourselves.

We need to take an honest inventory for the harm we have done, as well as our fear and resentments.

Once we take an honest look at our inventory, we must be OPEN to the possibility that whatever we have done, we can change in order to get to the other side of the wreckage and clean our side of the street.

This brings us to willingness. We must be WILLING to do the work to create that change.

Be Honest with yourself and others today.

Be open to share your vulnerabilities. In vulnerability there is strength.

Be willing to do whatever it takes to leave the world a bit better than you found it… just for today.

How did this tip resonate with you? If you have questions, ASK. If you have experience, share it. Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I often heard "honesty is key" growing up. As a child I assumed because it was just the right thing to do. Now, that I am an adult I realize it's more than that.

We must be honest because that's love. When we're honest and fail we learn. When we're honest it shows good character. Honesty shows we are not alone. Through honesty we connect with each other.

I want to connect with other humans. I want friendships. To do that I must show myself friendly. Next, I must be honest.


I’m overall a honest person, however I was not being honest with myself. I had to call myself out on my BS and be real with reality of my situation and behavior.

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Getting honest with yourself is key before you can actually get honest with others in my experience. When I quit lying to myself I was ABLE to be honest with those around me like loved ones and my sober community. Being open allowed me to see my part and accept that I can not change what I have done but make amends for my actions, and it took that willingness to recover and heal to make those amends and once I did I felt peace

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