Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 2

If you read yesterday’s sober tip, you have realized the gift of time you have given yourself and others.

Today, we will add to that gift.

So many of us spend a great amount of time regretting what we have done in the past.

We can’t believe the time we wasted. We want to make up for that time.

We are upset that it took us so long to get here.

We think of all the things we could have done had we received the gift of sobriety years before.

Regret of the past steals our time in the present.

In a spiritual program of recovery, we do work to take a strong look at our past, take inventory of the things we have done, recognize where we were to blame, and have taken action to make right any wrongs we have done.

Once we finish that process, we leave our past in the past and immediately clean up anything wrong we have done throughout the course of our day.

By doing this, we gift ourselves with living in the present.

Those several hours or a few days we have spent looking at our past frees us of tens of thousand of hours of regret.

Today, choose to leave the past in the past. If you need to do the work to get whole with the past, then choose today to do that work to free yourself so you can be gifted this added time.

If you find yourself thinking about the past, be sure to look but don’t stare. The rearview mirror is small for a reason.

Have you become complete with the past? Do you have some work to do? Help others by sharing your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Could not have said it any better😊


Good morning, I’ve been told by my husband “the review mirror is small for a reason” and I loved actually reading that sentence again. I also love “ if you find yourself thinking of past - look but don’t stare”. I’ve gotten better at this because I know if stare to long my pain gets to intense to where I want to numb the thoughts/pain out. I do feel tons of regrets and I am honestly disgusted with myself that I am still struggling with alcohol and the choices I make while under influence. It’s like classy to trashy real quick :roll_eyes: I’m such a different person, but I allow my anxieties to quick in and my mind to scream “oh you can hand that shot you will be fine” then down the spiral I go. Struggle is real but this time I’m going to put my sobriety first. 3rd day!


I love what you said about looking in the rearview mirror. I've been in recovery for a few 24 hours. I know what but it is like to spend too much time looking back. Recently lost my husband of 30 years and that concept for recovery works for other things too. Thanks for reminding me of that.


That part! :pray:t6::heart:

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Well said, in my first 6 months of sobriety I was in 2 rear end accidents and I believe it was my higher power telling me to stop looking in that rear view mirror my I don’t live there anymore!!!

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Everyday I pray to be better than yesterday!