Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 21

Accepting the things we cannot change is one of the most powerful tools we can use on our recovery journey.

It is mentioned in the first part of the serenity prayer, a prayer that is said in nearly every 12- Step group and a phrase that becomes a part of our daily lives.

Unfortunately, what we say and what we do are often quite different.

By accepting the things we cannot change, we can eliminate being annoyed by the vast majority of things that happen in our daily lives.

Think about your day today and be mindful of the things that disturb you. Take note of how many of those things you cannot change…then choose to let them go. It is simply wasted energy that you can do nothing about… other than to accept that they exist.

When you accept the things you cannot change, you will notice an extreme shift in your energy.

Just for today, choose to accept the things you cannot change.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Radical acceptance of what we can’t change.


True. I decided that I will no longer how a situation to hurt me; and I have had experienced quite a bit about it lately. "It is what it is" has been my mindset. I can't control what happens to me but I can control my response.

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This is so true, I am workin on this as I type, enjoy ur day!

The last part of the prayer is what I struggle with " the wisdom to know the difference "

I really needed to hear this today I think a lot so to except the things I cannot change is great for me to remember

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Me, too.

Powerful prayer, too bad a lot of AA meeting don’t use it they prefer the trinity prayer

So if we accept the things we can't change I believe this open up a treasure chest of things I can..I'm focusing on these things and taking the courage to do so now and every waking moment Amen.

That's actually one of the few things about AA that I really truly agree with and like. If you have not yet, do a web search for "full version of the serenity prayer". The prayer is so much deeper than what we say at meetings. It really is Radical Acceptance from a time before anyone understood how the human brain works. Also radical acceptance is a great way to deal with the things we have done while using.

One day at a time. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't here yet.

Needed this

“Accepting the things we cannot change” ... this is what I’m dealing with right now. I’m on a canoe trip that I planned for months and it’s raining, tomorrow’s float trip may be cancelled due to high level and my anxiety through the roof! I can’t control things and it’s driving me crazy. I’m telling myself to breathe, let things just roll out. And don’t drink!!!!

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