Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 29

D -E -N- I -A -L

Don't Even Notice I Am Lying.

So many of us take such a long time to enter recovery because we are in denial. The pain of getting honest with ourselves seems too much to handle and so we lie to ourselves.

Because of this, our disease progresses until we either die or reach such a level of pain that we get the gift of desperation to reach out and ask for help.

It is important to understand that everything in life worth anything requires work.

The first part of any work is an honest assessment of where we are and where we want to go.

It is also important to look at what we have done wrong in order that we can recognize those mistakes so we don’t make them again.

We make amends for the mistakes we have done to free ourselves from our wrongdoings (more on that tomorrow).

Just for today, wherever you are, make a commitment to get honest with yourself.

If you are not sober, do you need to be? Write down all the things you have done when you were not sober that you feel were inappropriate. This will give you something to look at on paper.

If you are in recovery, are there things you are doing that are disconnecting you from your recovery? If so, what can you do to get back on a good path?

If you are on a good path, share your experience what helped you move from denial to getting honest with yourself.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:

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Wow! So true.. it’s so important to write down what’s going in your own recovery. :pray:t3::+1:t4::purple_heart:


Once again an awesome message

I love today’s message and I can really relate. I would go down swinging and deny I had anything to drink even though clearly I had. It would make others question if they were imagining things...oh...the manipulation I had on other people was truly astonishing and now looking back very shameful.


I'm speechless.

Recognize mistakes so we don't make them again resonates most. I learn daily.