Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 5

Much like there is no graduation date in life, the same applies to sobriety.

As we go deeper into recovery, we have the wonderful opportunity to put more in our spiritual toolkit each and every day. It matters not if we have 1 day or 40 years, there is still infinitely more to learn.

Sobriety is infinitely more than putting down the drink or drug. It is the first step and one we must take as it is the one thing that allows us to set out on our journey.

We are now ready to face life on life’s terms.

In recovery, what you need to know is that life will still happen… but you will get better at life. Much better. Infinitely better.

For so many years, we pushed away our problems with substances. Because of this, we never learned tools to live a life that is in complete acceptance of life’s ups and downs.

The beauty of life is in our ups and downs. Otherwise, life would be very boring. We smile at the sun when we arise from the dark.

If you are in a 12-step group or any sobriety support group, listen for the lessons. You may hear someone you don’t want to hear or who you think talks too much. Smile and know that this lesson is one of patience. There is always a lesson.

Approach every day with a genuine will to learn more and to get better accepting life for what it is.

Live in love and tolerance of others.

You have an amazing journey ahead.

If you already do many of these things or have some wisdom to share from your sober journey, take the time now to share it below.

If you are new to sobriety, struggling, or have questions, be sure to ask. The Loosid community is here to help, as we can only stay sober if we give away what was so freely given to us.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Learning is key. Open minded, teachable. Students stay sober and find fulfilling lives. Teachers rarely recover.


I love these sober tips. What resonates with me are the tools to cope with life. My personal story is that as a child, I wasn't taught the tools to cope with negative emotions and life's ups and downs. So unhealthy ways of coping were formed without me even knowing what was happening. It was a rough road and many things I had to learn on my own.
But God being good, brought me through all of that stuff; gave me the strength to deal with life sans alcohol and unhealthy relationships. Get to the source of it, and leave the sauce alone. Better decision ever. Thank you, God!
Thank you LOOSID!

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Learning patience to weather the storms

I just look at it now like today I’m gonna be the best Chuck I can. And I can’t do that and be drinking.
