Loosid Sober Tip of the Day November 29

During a spiritual program of recovery, it is essential that we set aside time for self-care.

Life can get overwhelming, and before we know it, we are taking care of everything and everyone… and we forget about taking care of ourselves.

Our minds can wander into thoughts about the past (regret) or worrying about the future (fear).

This is why so many of us used substances to push away these feelings and ‘get out of the now.’

Today is the perfect opportunity to ‘get into the now’ and be proud of yourself wherever you are in your sober journey.

Just by reading this is an act of self-care.

Self-care is defined as:

The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.

When we set aside time for self-care, it helps us slow down and take a pause from the excitement and stress of the outside world and gives us the chance to connect with ourselves and live in the present moment, a place where regret and fear simply cannot exist.

Practicing self-care gives us the chance to love ourselves and accept ourselves exactly as we are… perfectly imperfect.

Self-care can look different for everyone.

If self-care is new to you, here are some things you can think about trying:

  • Meditation, or simply paying attention to your breath.
  • Getting out into nature
  • Shutting off your phone or television
  • Reading a good book, or perhaps some text on recovery that you have not looked at in a while.
  • Listening, singing and/or dancing to your favorite song
  • Exercising
  • Taking a warm bath
  • Lighting candles
  • Journaling
  • Cooking your favorite meal
  • Getting a massage
  • Listening to positive affirmations
  • Constructing a gratitude list
  • Making your favorite Mocktail. If you never have made a Mocktail, there is no time like the present!

Whatever you do, take time today to love yourself and pay special attention to your self-care and your recovery.

Why? Because you are worth it.

What do you do for self-care? Share below the things that have helped you the most. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Exactly what I needed to hear! I’ve been worrying about everyone and everything and not taking care of myself the way I deserve. 45 days sober, and pushed through so many barriers. There’s many left.

Working out, cooking healthfully, and meditating!

:heart: this! It brings me to reflect on my journey in sobriety…118 days and counting. I’m thankful for my imperfections. I embrace my future and struggles. No Day but Today​:heart:

Just about 15 months off the sauce and life is changing. Just over two years meth free. I've even taken the plunge at no porn. I'm living in a house on my own, fixing it up for a friend, and I work full time. I have to make time to go to the gym and be outside. Also I spend alot of time alone praying and or reading from the Bible and the big book. I am learning how to like myself again. I used to drown out the world and well everything with booze and the booze always lead to harder stuff. I'm just thankful today to see a different more authentic self in the mirror.

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Andy, thanks for writing your beautiful post. It gave me hope and reminded me that life is supposed to change and get different and it’s much better to face it all sober and with help from God and others.

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