Loosid Sober Tip of the Day November 29

When we look for the good in others, we discover the best in ourselves.

This quote, by Martin Walsh, is one of the most important aspects of living a life of emotional sobriety.

It is very easy to see the fault in others. Finding the good in others requires us to completely remove ourselves from the equation and look at the other person from an objective viewpoint.

When we are born, we operate with no faults, bad intentions, or hidden motivations.

There is no greed or jealousy. We have not been told how we should act nor how others should not act.

Everything we think we know has been taught to us by experience from either what we have heard or seen.

Just for today, remove yourself from the equation and look at the person or persons you currently resent.

Find the good in them. Try to understand why they may act the way they act and do what they do. So much of what we do is done from fear, insecurity and lack of self-esteem.

Remember, everyone started in the same place. Concentrate on the good in those people today.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Too long of a story for me to share, but this read was just what I needed this morning. It’s very important to always stay open and teachable in recovery and in life. I know that it helps me. So this reminder was just what this alcoholic needed to hear. Thanks and be well today, and be kind to yourself and others.


Yes :+1: Sir

Wow what a great message thank you for sharing…I too agree with this message I’ve come to learn especially after doing 17 years in prison that no one is like YOU and YOU are unlike no one else.. meaning we all have our own opinions, beliefs, ways of doing things, and so on…we are only the same when it comes to being a soul having a human experience…so that we can learn from one another, be there for one another, and to Love each other as we love ourselves…. When we judge another we are actually judging ourselves.. for what we are judging in that person is something that we don’t like within ourselves, or have been taught not to like in our lives….I like to analyze things like a detective when I dislike what a person is doing or acting like I sit there and think, maybe not right then but eventually, ok why is it I’m so upset or annoyed at this person and I try to put myself within their shoes to see what they could have experienced or went through in their lives that could have lead them to be this way or act this way…. Of course it’s all assuming especially if you don’t know them and their past but it does help me get an idea of the why they are and act.. anyhow I love you all stay strong and stay sober….

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I needed this today, so thank u for that! :heart:

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