Loosid Sober Tip of the Day November 5

The world record for sobriety is 24 hours and nobody’s broken it yet.

This short tip contains perhaps the most powerful message we will ever hear in recovery.

Many people come into recovery thinking, ‘how can I live the rest of my life without drinking or drugging?’

The answer is… you don’t have to.

There is absolutely no need to worry about whether we will drink tomorrow, next week, or next year.

Make a commitment to not pick up a drink or drug just for today. That’s all we need. All we ever will need.

How did this tip resonate with you? What is your tip of the day? Share with the community below.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


So true.!! Believe in it.!



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It works!!!


This is so true! Believe in yourself, and love yourself more than you loved alcohol.
Try looking at alcohol as your worst enemy because that’s what it is. Sobriety is your trusted friend.
So just for today, invite your trusted friend in. :heart:


Just today!

Now that I'm sober I sometimes wish there were more hours in a day. Who would have ever thought ? Thank God :pray:


When I started focusing on not picking up a drink just for today , it really helps me to get through my mental compulsion of wanting to drink. Taking it one day at a time really helps my sobriety

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No matter what❤️‍🩹

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I've heard several people in meetings with decades of sobrierty say this over and over again. Though they're proud of the time they have achieved, they still treat it as a constant battle. This is honestly what made long term sobriety feel realistic to me at a time when I was barely able to get a few days together before picking up again.

A friend asked why I wasn't partaking at a social event a few weeks ago and I said "I just know that if I have a drink right now, it won't be more than a few days before I'm at the liquor store shaking and sweating first thing in the morning waiting for it to open. I'll stick to my seltzer and lime." And there was no anxiety or FOMO in my mind or heart at all.

For today, I'm not drinking. I'll deal with tomorrow tomorrow.

This is my recovery, there are many like it, but this one is mine!

I like this tip it’s a great reminder when you’re feeling down and blue, thanks, one day at a time :pray:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

Just one day at a time.