Loosid Sober Tip of the Day October 13

Finding the good in YOU.

Yesterday, we looked at finding the good in others. Hopefully, that has given you some very strong relief and freed up quite a bit of wasted energy on anger and resentment.

As we have heard countless times, resentment is the #1 offender.

Quite often, the person we most resent most in life is ourselves.

Just for today, focus on the good in you.

Most of us have harmed many people in our active addiction and have a hard time forgiving ourselves for what we have done.

Just for today, focus on the actions you have taken now that you have entered a new journey.

What have you done to be of service to others? What have you done that started you on this spiritual path?

If you are still new or are in active addiction, just by reading this daily tip shows great willingness to change. That is GOOD. Very GOOD.

If nothing comes to mind, think of what good you can do today to help others. Think of what good you can do to learn more about the path to recovery.

If you are confused or don’t know where to start, post below any questions you may have.

If you have been around a bit, please share with the community the GOOD about you and what you have been able to do since entering recovery.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Great thanks. And yes this tip worked for me . I called someone I haven’t spoke in a while. It was very nice.
Now I need to find the good in me.! Let the bitterness go. Think of the Good.:+1::+1:


Take your time in every action

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The good in me is the willingness to help others, from a newcomer to a person pushing their car across an intersection because they are out of gas to holding a door open for someone. It’s these types of acts of kindness that I can say I do as often as possible now that I’m sober, working a program and have changed my ways/thinking. I’m good to myself as I pay attention to what I put in my body, not only in food or drink but in music and what I read. I forgive myself for the wrongs I’ve done to myself and others. I wish those that have wronged me peace and happiness in their life as much as I want peace and happiness in my life.
Thank you for this tip as it’s a beautiful reminder that I’m on the right path today!
Love you all!