Loosid Sober Tip of the Day October 7

How do we get back our self- esteem?

This is a very common question with a very simple answer.

In our active addiction, self-esteem is one of the first things to go. How do we gain back our self-esteem? By doing esteemable acts.

Focus each day to doing an esteemable act. Reach out to a friend who you know is struggling and simply let them know you are thinking about them and they are not alone.

Go up to a homeless person an offer to buy them a cup of coffee or sandwich if you can afford it.

Ask the cashier at the store their name. Wish them a great day.

We tend to severely underestimate the power of simply recognizing a person and acknowledging them as an equal. Why? Because we are all equal.

Little acts of self-esteem will build momentum. Before you know it, you will be beaming with self-esteem.

How did this tip resonate with you? What are 3 esteemable acts you can do today?

Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


It resonated

I still hate myself

Just the little things. Daily to be w/people! Thx!

lol same

Gratitude! Use a gratitude journal...start with "I am sitting in a comfy chair"...or, "I have heat to keep me warm on this Fall day"

Lately I've been thinking about about the fact that each of us is but a soul wrapped in a corporeal body of energy energy made up of atoms. This thought has resonated resonated in my consciousness and has attracted comment from others in the program who have a similar point of view. It is one of the reasons why we mustn't be too interested in our existence here especially not as separate and important beings we are all part of the same whole.

I'm going to compliment some of the gym attendants/trainers, check on a buddy from work, and tell my son how much I appreciate him today. Great message.

100%! My second sponsor always used to say ā€˜Do esteemable thingsā€™. This is not only a drinking disease, but one of low self-esteem. If you are new, trust the process - it works! The other amazing thing is it just starts becoming automatic.

This is great! Other esteemable acts can be things such as, if say you're going to be there, be there. If you say you're going to call someone, call them. If you say you're going to do something, do it. If you say you can help, help.
Like others have stated, before you know it these things will just come natural to us. It won't even be a thought. It will just be they way we are now. Happy Friday ALL! :pray::muscle::blush:

LOL. I love your candor

Why doesnā€™t this tip use ā€œIā€ statements. You, we, usā€¦not everybody has low self esteem!