Loosid Sober Tip of the Day September 08

Day 1

Every year, millions of people come into recovery on Day 1.

This may mean we are entering recovery for the first time.

For others, it may be because we are coming off of a relapse.

There is a false stigma that coming in with 1 day is something to be ashamed of. Sadly, millions of people die because of this complete untruth.

The baffling question is, if 100% of us started with 1 day, why are we ashamed? The truth is, not only is sobriety not to be ashamed of, but shows tremendous courage.

Sobriety does not mean all of us get sober the first time and stay sober as, unfortunately, many of us take our will back and relapse over and over again until we finally surrender to the winning team.

We say unfortunately, not because relapse happens, but because many of us never make it back.

If you are on day 1, take solace in the fact that we have all been there. There is not one of us who hasn’t.

Relapse doesn’t have to be a part of our recovery journey, but if it is, our message to you is WELCOME, WE LOVE YOU, and are so glad you are here. STAY.

If you are coming into recovery for the first time, our message is, WELCOME, WE LOVE YOU, and are so glad you are here. STAY.

Whatever amount of time you have, you know what day 1 feels like. If you have some sober time, share with others below what it was like for you and any suggestions you have to help.

If you are new, share what you are feeling. In fact, share like your life depends upon it… because it does.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Scared out of my mind but so grateful to be here


Don’t let shame keep you out like I did. It cost me a decade.


Man/ woman I can’t even explain it. I remember saying to myself, thank god at least today I won’t die because the days before I almost died. No, no suicidal ideation or any thing close to that, simply drunk coming home from work and almost driving off a cliff accidentally 3 times in the same week. This is not a joke, I tried to stop drinking the first time and lasted that one day mentioned above. Then I drank the following day thinking I can do it, again this happened and then again and when I surrendered completely knowing I could not stop drinking on my own I got help. When the rehab center called me the next morning to tell me that they would be there at 1 pm and I wouldn’t be accepted if I was drinking, it was 10 am exactly and I just opened a bottle, before I took a drink I said come get me now. They were there in 15 minutes. That was 171 days ago today and looking back the proudest day of my life :call_me_hand:t4:


Wow. Thats powerful! Smdh, the things we do when we have it "all under control," right?

It brings chills every time I think about it. I had the most challenging week of my life and turned straight to my HP and honestly still can’t believe I didn’t drink another freaking miracle, shoots every 24 is another miracle for us all and I am so blessed to see that now :call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4::pray::pray:

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All too true my friend. Glad we both here and in this fight together.

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