Loosid Sober Tip of the Day September 20

Action, Reaction and Inaction.

We often think we are responsible for our actions.

Remember, at any time, we are responsible for three things: Our actions, our reactions and our inactions.

Ironically, inaction is often the most powerful.

This may mean restraint of pen and tongue by not sending that nasty text, email or phone response to someone who hurt you.

It may also mean sitting quietly with yourself and observing your thoughts and settling your mind.

Actions and reactions are very powerful as well.

Write down your actions, reactions and inactions from the last day. Then take an inventory to see what inactions were not useful and should have been acted upon.

Do the same for actions and reactions. You will get better each day. It just takes a bit of practice.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Great information.!!

I'll start today


Just what I needed to hear this morning and ponder about.

Sounds like the tenth step to me. A daily reprieve.
I believe this advice is powerful and very helpful. The more we put G0d first the the easier life becomes.
Training our emotions is a must learn tool in recovery. It’s taking me 21 months to be at peace with myself. Letting go of shame, guilt and remorse has helped shape who I am today. Meditation, exercise and eating healthy has also helped transform my mental state. I feel that when we incorporate these in our daily lives we then can begin to practice reactions, action and inactions.
I’ve learned over this weekend that I was as honest as I thought I was and that I love to play G0d.
Taking a daily inventory is what’s on my mind today. This action will help me not react towards every situation that comes up and when I do I can now respond peacefully as I don’t want to have to make amends nor do a 4th step… :joy:
Have a wonderful day

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Made it 24 hrs, on the second chapter of the 4th edition, and meeting at noon, so happy for me
