Loosid Sober Tip of the Day September 30

The last two days we have looked at being sober and getting sober. Today, we look at what it takes to stay sober.

One big part of staying sober is to continue to be of service to others on a daily basis, both inside and outside of recovery. There is a saying that the only way to keep our sobriety is to give it away.

This has proved to be incredibly important if not mandatory. Working with others the spiritual program that has freed us reminds us exactly what we need to do so by helping others we help ourselves.

We also need to continue to work the spiritual program that freed us in the first place. In 12-Step groups this consists of working the last 3 steps every day (10,11 & 12).

The final thing is we need to keep connected to our sober network. This could be meetings, support groups, or people who hold you accountable on a daily basis.

Gift yourself today with these 3 important steps of sobriety. You will be surprised the amazing life you have in front of you.

How did these 3 days work for you? If you are newly sober, did they help give you more clarity and more importantly, the impetus to start your journey?

If you have been sober a while, did it help remind you of the journey that you have been through and the importance of taking these 3 steps?

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:

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This was good but I think the 28th and 29th days posted were the same post

VERY good stuff for me to life by. Check-in to let you know how it worked for me - in 3 days. Curious to hear yours too.

And this is where I am going to struggle to find that middle ground or happy medium. Service work. As I've shared prior, I have put the needs and wants of others ahead of mine my entire life. I am just starting to find my voice. I imagine it's going to be a bit of trial and error until I have mastered setting solid boundaries. Just thinking about it is stress inducing. The fear is that I'm going to end up in the same position being used and manipulated and end up feeling worthless in the end


Can relate to you. I have been a caretaker, referee, smooth it over for everyone else, person my whole life too. Found my voice a few times, only to get shut down. Know that you are not worthless, you connected to me today. I now am reminded that I'm not alone. Thanks


Thank you for that! It helps me feel not so alien in this strange world