Loosid Sober Tip of the Day September 4

Letting go of shame and guilt.

When many of us enter recovery for the first time, we feel shame and guilt for who we are and what we have done. This also happens when people relapse and are afraid to let people know they slipped.

What you need to know is how powerful you are for having the courage to make the necessary changes to build a better life.

The most powerful people in life are people who have the courage to change. You are not alcoholism. You are not addiction.

You may have alcoholism or have an addiction in the same way that someone else might have diabetes. It’s what you do to treat your disease that allows you to be in a recovered state… just for today.

You may have done things in your active addiction which were wrong, but you will have the opportunity to make amends to those who you have harmed and clean up your side of the street.

Congratulations on having the courage to change and taking the necessary steps to build a beautiful life. You deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


You must change in order to beat alcoholism.!!

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This app is saving me right now. Thank you thank you Loosid! I was berated guilt shamed just yesterday. My family members a few do not feel that addiction alcoholism is a disease. They say that is an excuse. My mother in her 70s goes off on yelling tirades criticizing me and so yes I start drinking. I have had periods of sobriety I know I can do so. I relapsed recently. Again. Addicts need compassion not tough love. Please tell me what y’all think feel experiences. Thank you!


What you don’t change, you choose.


This is my biggest problem. Not letting go of shame and guilt. I want to be in a place to look forward not backwards..


I've been building up shame and guilt since I was a kid and am so weighed down by four decades of pushing it down into my shadow and not letting the light in. I'm working on that with a therapist now, and I feel hopeful for the first time iny life that I will be able to let go of all the shame I've felt for so long


Sarim...your Mom is from the old school. Try not to take it so personally just like my mother they feel embarrassed And don't want to understand. They just want you to fix it. Nowadays there's help and you can't take this out on yourself. I blame my mom for so much and I have to let it go or I won't get better. Do your best to move on from that one.

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Hi Sarim, I definitely agree with addicts need compassion - not tough love! Most of my life has been like that, where others didn't and couldn't understand that it is a disease. My mom used to go off on me also, as well as my dad, and my brothers and sisters. You can't expect another person who is not alcoholic to understand. It just doesn't happen and if I was in their shoes I'm sure I'd feel the same way. Most believe it is a moral issue and not a disease. And of course, I wonder about it myself because I have often felt so horrible, so bad, because of alcoholism. Just guilty is an overall mood for me and so hard to get out of that mode of thinking. Others never even realize that going off on yelling tirades and criticizing just makes us drink even more.
I know the pain of alcoholism. My brother died from the disease. My grandfather was an alcoholic, my aunt was an alcoholic, and who knows how many more. Strange that my parents were not alcoholic.

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Thank you each so much. Because right, “ just “ changing is not that easy...

Thank you so much, Kim.

Karen, thank you. I am sorry to read about your brother passing from what I feel is a true disease.

The door to my change was when I had the courage to look in the mirror, and say, " I was born and alcoholic. I will die one. I can't trust myself. I activily have to choose to ask for help,(surrender) and activily have to work the treatment plan.

I am completely “ for “ surrender while not for shame guilt...thank you for responding!

Super grateful to y’all for sharing how you overcome get through!

Really loved that tip