Loosid's Daily Sober Tip - June 30

My ego is not my amigo.

Throughout our sober journey, we have been able to learn the destructive nature of our ego. In 12 step groups they talk about being a program of ego deflation. Though it can seem weird to hear that as strength, we have found this to be one of the most important aspects of the sober journey. The less ego we have, the more humility we have and the more humility we have, the greater we aspire to learn and grow.

Remember, it’s easy to operate from ego. Humility takes daily practice… but it’s worth it!!!

How did this tip resonate with you? What is your tip of the day? Share with the community below.

With Love,




I will laugh today.. and have fun .

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The fourth step is a great ego deflater. As well as 5. After about a year sober, I really started to grasp steps 10 and 11. That's when the real growth started for me, and when I could begin to recognize the promises coming true. Now 10 and 11 are the heart of my program, as well as my dose of humility.


Wow! That is amazing. You are absolutely dead on. Brilliant!

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So many of us need to learn this lesson.

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At the end of the meeting when we say the Lord’s Prayer, where it says deliver us from Evil, I say deliver us from ego.

In my opinion, humility is one of the major traits that defines a person’s character along with empathy. Those 2 together make a person shine from the inside out.