Losing my job

My boss just told me I'm losing my job and I just want to get really really $#!Tfaced


Hang in there my friend. These are the days that we need to be sober.
Having a good day and staying sober is hard...
Having a bad day is even harder, but you'll feel so good the next day!


Thank you Steven.

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Yeah, cause getting shĂŻt faced will make everything so much better.


Suck it up, buttercup. You're an intelligent being. You'll find a new, better job.


Yeah I came to the realization that going on a job interview hammered is probably not going to help. Sooooo I'm still sober


Well even if you don't have a job interview lined up, getting hammered can lead to so many more opportunities to fail. You could get an OVI on your way home. Boom, 10,000 bucks. You could get into an accident, maybe kill somebody....

Don't make things worse. You have been released from your old job, to find a new place to occupy for awhile. And after that, another place perhaps.


Maybe not the most poised reply above , but the sentiment is correct. Getting sh I t faced will only compound your problems and delay solutions. Know your situation is quite common in today's workforce and figure out what options you have for an upcoming job.... hopefully something you at least slightly enjoy. Working every day at something you hate is worse than unemployment imo. Good luck.


I am very poised, thank you very much.

You were in the second response that I didn't see until now :+1:
Good luck to you both


Stay strong remember your tools in your kit. Don’t let this set you back ! Keep your head up love

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Yes. Thank you.

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I'm right there with you. Still trying to land another job.

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Courage, Mickey. You can do this and I can do this , too.

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Losing your jobs s-cks while right, as you know and has already been mentioned…getting ess-faced is not the answer and will make everything so much worse.

Drinking was my answer to every disappointment in life…and it did nothing but get me into debt; I wasted my time, energy, money, screwed up relationships, this list goes on.

I could have spent that time-( which I spent, getting s-faced )…working on applications, networking.

I am currently underpaid and overqualified…thanks to my drinking.

I guess my point IS-
Remain sober.
Wishing you well as you figure out what is next, Pranav.
And glad that you shared.
You will get through this crappy period!


Don't get wasted! You'll be more miserable because you got wasted and lost your job. As a result, your world will spiral more out of control.

Feel all the feelings. Anger and frustration are normal. Take a breath. File unemployment. Then, begin your job search.

I believe in you.

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I’ve lost two jobs in sobriety. The first one led to me losing my house in foreclosure. The second layoff led to my divorce. It really sucked. But I didn’t have to drink. What I had to do was talk about it. And keep looking. Job hunters need a lot of support and encouragement. It can be an emotional roller coaster. But often the new job is a better fit, a good learning experience, or both.

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No job is worth your sanity

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Pranav, celebrate! :tada: your old life is coming to an end. Your new life is just beginning. I’m excited for you. Have fun on your new adventure and enjoy the journey. And remember to laugh! It’s your choice how to feel. Sobriety empowers us. Get on wif ur bad self!

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Losing a job sucks. On the other side of it it's also an opportunity to get a better job. Getting shyte faced won't help you move forward it will just numb you to your problem until it wears off and possibly make more problems.